WAR - Part 8

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"NOW TELL ME!" Harry shouted, his patience running out. He didn't have time for this, he needed his information and he needed it now. Still, Cynthia was absolutely silent.

He kicked up his leg, hitting underneath her chin as her head hit the wall behind her. She winced in pain and when her eyes looked back to the older boy, he was right in front of her face. Harry grabbed her head with his hands and yanked on her hair.

"You will tell me or I will have your neck, little runt!" Harry stated clenching his fists against her skull.

"And you call yourself a pirate." Cyn finally spoke up, "You probably don't even have a worthy sword, Mr. I'm Captain Hook." The girl taunted him, but she knew exactly what she was doing and why.

Suddenly, Harry pulled his body back before grabbing the sword out from his side. He held it underneath Cyns throat, threatening to slice it. But she knew he wouldn't, well, she hoped he wouldn't. But Harry had let his impatience and anger get the best of him, because what he just did, was exactly what she wanted him to do.

In one swift movement, Cynthia lifted her legs up cut the ropes around her ankles against the sword. Her legs were free. And the ropes that she had been rubbing against the bars around her wrists, were already off.

Harry was baffled, he had been bested by a child. He jumped up and tried to stab at the girl with his sword, she moved and his sword went into the wooden wall. It stuck as Harry tried to pull it out.

Cyn jumped up, and Harry swung his fist at her. But she had been trained by Harriet, and even tho Harry and her were five to six years apart in age, they had the same skill level.

She grabbed his arm as he punched it forwards and pushed him into the bars, he stumbled over the barrel he had been sitting on and into the bars sideways. Cyn grunted as she jumped out of the cell, closing the door and locking it with the keys he had foolishly left in the lock.

Cyn grabbed the keys with a smirk, and she looked at Harry sassily. "Is this your first kidnapping?"

And with that, she ran out as Harry began to yell to get his crews attention. Cynthia ran up the stairs and swung the door open, but she only made it a few steps before large arms wrapped around her body.

"Not so fast! Cyny!" Gil said as he pulled Cyn back down the stairs. "Well I guess that was kinda fast, but not cheetah fast. You know who is fast-"

Even the girl rolled her eyes as both Harry and Cyn shouted, "Gil!" He looked at Harry with a laugh, walking to the bottom of the stairs. Gil brought her to another cell across from Harry, and threw her inside before grabbing the keys from her.

"Use the chains this time." Harry stated through clenched teeth.

And after about ten minutes of struggling, the pirate boy was finally able to place the shackles on the young girl. "Nothing personal, Cyny!" Gil said with his dumb smile, and the two pirates from different shores kind of actually looked similar.

Cyn grunted as she was now standing up, but she had shackles on both her legs and her arms. She could move, but only a few feet. The twelve year old girl leaped forwards as Gil shut the cage, and he jumped back a little intimidated. "Did you just growl?" Gil questioned, looking her through the cell bars. Then he turned around to Harry who was trapped inside the other one, "Harry, I think she speaks dog!"

Harry closed his eyes and breathed deeply. Trying to keep his cool. But Gil, just wouldn't stop talking. "Wait what are you doing in there, Harry?" He questioned with a laugh, pointing at his new Captain. "You're in prison on your own ship! Ha ha! Uma's gonna love this!"

But that's before the pirate boy realized that Uma's was still gone, and he looked at Harry through the bars. "Where is she again?" He questioned, idiotically.

Harry had about enough of this as he reached his arm through the bars and grabbed Gils head and banged it against the bars. Which would probably only make him even more brain dead then he already was.

"GET ME OUT!" Harry yelled at his friend, his eyes not looking at the little girl in the other cell who had trapped him in the first place. Embarrassed.

"Oh yeah!" Gil said, "How'd you get in there again? Oh wait- it was Little Cyny right? She's always been pretty clever but I can't believe you got trapped by a twelve year-"

Boom. Another smack to his head against the metal bars. He shook his head side to side with a smile as Harry grunted and tried to hold back the urge to choke his friend. "GIL!" He shouted, again.

"OH right!" The son of Gaston staid, "Let me get the keys!"

However, the keys were in his hands. And Harry began to smack his own head multiple times against the metal bars. Gil had walked halfway up the stairs before he laughed, and turned around with a nod. "OH RIGHT!"

"JUST UNLOCK THE DAMN DOOR!" Harry shouted, and Gil ran over and finally freed him.

Harry put his hat back on his head. And ran his hook along the metal bars of Cyns cage as he left. He didn't feel lile waisting his time again, he would find out another way. So the boy headed your the stairs with a laugh. But he wasn't just going to let her go, a war was coming and he had stolen the Havocs powder monkey. Which means they wouldn't be making anymore explosive weapons any time soon.

"You know why they call us Havocs?" Cyn spoke up, and Harry looked down over the railing of the stairs while he listened curiously.

"Cause Havoc means widespread destruction. And trust me, Harriet is a hurricane and she and the Havocs will destroy you and your pathetic excuse for a pirate crew."

Harry looked over the railings with a smile and a laugh, "You are right about one thing, child. My sister is a hurricane. And hurricanes don't stop to pick up stragglers left behind, they keep moving on. So I suggest, you get real used to having those chains around your body. Because she is not coming for you."

And with that, Harry's laughed echoed throughout the walls again, and he left. He was right. Harriet maybe wouldn't come for her. But somebody else would...

what do you guys think so far about War? And Cyn, she's my little smol baby and you guys will figure out what her relation is with Gil very soon, it's gonna be funny again just like this chapter 😂 oh my gosh, Gil cracks me up!

But omg, Cyn is such a little Havoc isn't she? Honestly, I think she can take care of herself 😂

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