Lost Girl - Part 6

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CJ walked back into the kitchen, after setting her stuff down in the living room. He had been making some sort of vegetarian meal in the pan. It smelt like meat, but it tasted a little different as CJ stuffed it into her mouth.

"OH MY-" CJ muttered to herself, the crumbs from the omlet spilled forth from her mouth and onto the floor. The pan fell onto the ground, the rest splattering everywhere. Then she spotted the fridge, quickly running over to it and opening the front. Inside she saw a huge amount of foods, a bunch of foods.

Her hands reached inside, and she found some orange juice. But grabbing it too quickly, she broke the bottom. CJ held the cartoon up above her face, it spilled down her face and body as she opened her mouth. Gulping up the orange juice.

Soon she was done with that, and threw the rest of the cart down onto the other counter to poor out. CJ pulled everything out of the fridge, literally everything. She dumped everything onto the kitchen floor and the nearby counters. CJ rummaged throughout everything while she laid on the ground, stuffing her face until her stomach ached.

But suddenly, her eyes spotted something she had never eaten in her whole life. Ice cream. Chocolate Ice Cream.

CJ reached out and grabbed the tub, opening the lid and scooping up the ice cream with her hand. "COLD! COLD! COLD!" The villain girl shouted to herself, dropping the ice cream on the bare wooden floor. She learned not to pick it up again, it would freeze her hand. Instead, the kid leaned down and ate the ice cream off the floor.

Her eyes rolled back in her head, this was the best thing she had tasted in her entire life. By the time she was full, she had eaten the whole tub of ice cream. CJ hiccupped from eating too much, finally getting up off the floor. The girl went back into the living room, whipping her hands on the PJ's before grabbing her own clothes.

The girl made her way back into the wide and bright hallway. That's when she noticed a ladder going up to a loft, curiosity got the best of her. She made her way up the ladder, and she saw a beautiful room. It was a nice queen bed, and on the walls there were mutiple drawings of people, places, and things. The bed wasn't on a stand or anything, it was simply on the ground. But to the right of CJ was a large window that replaced a wall that would have been there. It allowed somebody to look out to the ocean, and see the sky.

CJ could tell the drawings on the walls were hand drawn sketches. That and also the pencils and stacks of papers that looked like it belonged to an artist. CJ smirked, setting her things across the ladder as she crawled up. She moved towards a pencil that was on the wooden ground. Quickly she picked it up, moving to a space that already had a drawing on it. But she drew over it anyways, drawing the outline of a Hook. Then inside of it she wrote, 'Take to law, like an outlaw' in the hook part, signing her name in the handle.

"Perfect." She stated, before looking at the other drawlings. Her eyes first went to a map that was drown on the wall. CJ's eyes then spotted a tree of some sort, and in the roots there were kids hiding underground. If that were real, CJ would make a wicked fort of some sort.

But it was then that she saw a figure on the wall, she hadn't noticed it before. The figure was just a black figure of a person, standing straight with it's hands on it's hips. It was large, about the size of Pey actually. But, it reminded her of something. She couldn't quite put her finger on it however...

*long chapter of her just being her*

Soon enough, she headed back down the ladder and grabbed her clothes. Her feet skipped along the wooden floors as she searched for the shower. CJ passed the so called, Guest Room as she walked. Her eyes found that this room had four more rooms besides the bedroom and loft. The first door she opened up lead her to a laundry room, or a wash room. It kind of reminded CJ of home, they didn't have the fancy washer and dryers. If they wanted something to get clean, they'd have to clean themselves first and then go wash their clothes in runoff water.

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