WAR - Part 2

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"Where's Sammy?" Damian questioned as he fiddled with his gun, blowing down the barrel.

"At his father's." Harriet said, still looking at the map and not paying attention to the faces of her crew.

Eva gritted her teeth together, her eyes narrowing on the rest of them. "That moron, he's sleeping in bed while we are all here doing actual work."

Harriet looked up, not moving her head but just her eyes to face her men. "I said he could."

Eva glared at Harriet, and the tension could be cut with a knife. Everyone in the building could sense it. "It's not like he woulda been any help anyways!" Damian chimed in, trying to get back on topic.

Harriet gritted her teeth together, and sat up straight from leaning on the table. Her hands were still on the table, and she looked at the three in front of her. "Would anyone like to question my decisions?"

Everyone was quiet, and looked down at the table or awkwardly at anything else in the room besides Harriet. "Good." She stated, "Now, where's Cyn?"

She purposely stated the last part loudly so it would echo throughout Havoc Towers walls. And go straight to Warren's ears. A few seconds later, the boy appeared climbing back up the rope. Warren swung himself over to the side, back to where the group was congregated. "She's not here."

"Then goo look on the ship, boy!" Eva demanded irritatingly.

Warren folded his arms across his chest, glaring at Eva. "I don't take orders from you, wanna be." The boy spat, before lifting his head high and looking at Harriet for directions.

Eva went to grab the sword at her side, and as soon as Warren say her do that. He gabbed his sword, swinging it around. "Enough." Harriet stated, before anything could really happen.

Suddenly, the doors at the bottom of the tall dome opened up. And Wells and Dick walked inside, in Dicks arms was Cyn. Harriet's eyes widened as she thought something had happened, looking over from the ledge. But as her eyes adjusted, she realized she was just sleeping.

"Dick!" Damian shouted from the side as they all looked down at the three.

"SHHH!" He hushed him quickly, carrying Cyn over to a nearby hammock.

Sure he was a, well, his name implies it all. But he had a soft spot for the young crew members. Especially Cyn who was like a little sister to him. As he set Cyn down, Wells looked up to his Captain.

"She was on your ship, we thought we'd bring her here so we could watch her." Wells stated, swinging his sword over his shoulder as he went and laid himself down on a nearby couch.

Cyn had a history or running off, a lot. But usually she'd always run off to her gang. Wells wouldn't admit the real reason they had brought her was so that she wouldn't be alone, per Dick's wishes.

"Send her up." Harriet stated quietly down to Dick. The younger boy grabbed on a nearby rope and began to pull it down, and Cyn was hoisted up to their level.

Dick waved down Big Murph, "Hey big guy, wanna give me a lift?" He stated, too lazy himself to actually climb up like the rest of them.

"Yeah, I was just about to come down anyways." Murph stated. The large and buff man set down the last sword he had cleaned. He grabbed his own and stuck it in his sheath. Then he jumped on to a rope, as Dick grabbed ahold of another one.

Murph smiled at Dick as he went down and the smaller boy went up. The younger pirate waved him bye as he leaped on to the second highest level.

"Cyn." Harriet said, as Warren pulled the hammock to the side and away from the ledge. The group surrounded the little girl as she slept on the hammock.

The little twelve year old girl was out cold, she must have not slept in days. "Cyn!" Warren yelled, and he reached over and slapped her face slightly.

"She's out." Mad stated, folding her arms across her chest with a sigh.

"Back up." Damian stated with a smirk, he pulled his gun out of his holster and shot up at the ceiling. Luckily, the ceiling which was simply made out of wood and glass. Was already shattered, the bullet did nothing except go through it and into the sky.

"Are you mad!?" Eva shouted at him, pushing his shoulder to the side. Damian tensed and looked like he was about to mug her, "No she's Mad, in Damian." He joked, controlling his anger as he pointed to the red haired Medusa girl.

But still, Cyn was asleep. The girl was used to explosives and gun shots, it would take a lot more than that to wake her up.

Dick suddenly appeared behind them, having crawled up the rest of the way on a rope ladder. "Hey losers." He spat, "What's all this?" The boy looked at the round table with the 3D scale.

"Above your pay grade." Damian stated, walking over to the table with his arms across his chest.

"First off, I don't get paid and second, what the hell does that even mean?" Dick stated, pulling up his black jacket that began to fall down his arms from climbing.

"HEY GUYS!" They heard a voice below call above to them. Harriet was first to look down, Vitani quickly gulped from below. "I MEAN, CAPTAIN!"

They all moved away from sleeping Cynthia and down to the bottom of the floor. Below was Vitani and Scarlet, and Vitani had caught them something sweet to eat.


Scarlet, Scar, looked over to Wells who had his eyes closed on the couch. "Hey Wells, can you push that table over here?" She asked shyly, holding a giant plate full of food with her arms shaking.

He opened one eye, looking over at her. Wells smirked, "No." Before closing his eyes again, ignoring the two girls who needed his assistant.

"I got it." Ashby, Ash, shouted down from the second level. She didn't even use a rope, instead she jumped down from the second level, rolling as she hit the ground. The brown haired, tattooed girl grabbed the table. Which was pushed to the side from that mornings training session. Ash moved it to the center of the room, and Vitani and Scar set down the large plates of meaty turtle. And down from the sky came the rest of the gang, very hungry...

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