Anchored - Part 2

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CJ said, standing straight upright at attention, and putting her hook back at on her belt.

"Where oh where has my little one been, hmm?" The man questioned, stepping closer to his very short daughter. His accent was thick on his tongue, being of British descent. CJ spoke similar to him. His hook coming close to her face as it moved her dirty hair away from her face. The man looked down at her with curiosity and somewhat in anger more than worry.

That's when he noticed the now small scab that was on her neck, surrounded by the other numerous scars. "And who gave you that lashing there? Your sister or your brother?"

"Brother." CJ stated, her father chuckled. "Of course you'd run to him first." The man mumbled.

"Now again, I ask, where have you been Calista Jane?"

"Father, I insist you call me CJ-" The girl stated. She was about to continue but his hook changed its course, the end pointing close to her neck.

"I will call you whatever I wish to call you, my child."

CJ stayed quiet as her dad's eyes lingered around her room. He quickly noticed the shiny bird made out of crystals on her dresser. The moonlight moved through her window to hit the beautiful thing. He moved his hook away from CJ's neck, she sighed in relief.

The man walked around her room, confusion was written upon his face. "Nothing's been touched since you left." He spat, putting his gun back to his side underneath his jacket. Quickly he spun around on his heeled boots, looking back at his blond headed daughter.

CJ was now turned around, watching him as she took a seat down next to one of her desks. He walked over and sat down on CJ's bed, starring at her for the longest time. Now, when their father starred at them it was not the best sign. It meant he knew something, and he was waiting for an answer. And at this point, CJ had two options. She could either look down and wait for him to speak, or she could look him directly in the eyes and speak up for herself.

The girl gulped, her eyes staying on her father's as his mustache seemingly twitched. "You've grown." The captain said.

CJ shook her head, acknowledging him. But there was still this awkward silence, neither of them knew what to say.

"Father, I'm sorry I left home." CJ suddenly said, the silence was killing her.

He looked at his youngest daughter, and shook his head from side to side. "My love," The pirate started, "You are such a disappointment."

At this CJ's heart dropped, she hadn't even said anything besides that she was sorry for leaving. This was why she always felt the way that she did, why she always thought she had to prove herself. Because until she was worthy in the eyes of her father, she would never be worthy in her own eyes.

The fifteen year old girl didn't know what to say, she starred at her father in silence. But she wouldn't dare even let her eyes begin to water, she wouldn't dare show any sign of weakness.

"Why can't you be more like your siblings? They have accomplished such great things here, while you go off and play pirate with your little friends."

His words stung into CJ's heart, like sharp knives. She gritted her teeth in anger. If he only knew.

The truth was, this man was only trying to help her. He was only trying to make her better, bring her into her full potential. He had a mother who loved him, and that's why he chose to raise the children he mistakingly had. Captain Hooks way of showing love however, was not like a regular parent, his way of showing love was criticizing everything his children did. He wanted to make them better. Better than he was? Maybe.

"Playing pirate?" CJ finally spoke up, "You have no idea what I was doing over there!" The pirate girl stood up from her chair, anger boiled through her body as she looked at her father.

His head tilted as his long curly dark hair moved. The captain raised an eyebrow at his young one. Had she really raised her voice? To him?

CJ instantly sat back down on her chair, gulping. The man stood up from where he sat on her bed. Hook walked forwards and bowed like he would always do. "Please, darling, enlighten me." He spoke softly, waiting for her reply. For what he had said was not a request but a demand....

shout out to YourNewCreepster (her story Hooks and Horns is the bomb btw)

I also decided that I'm going to do one shout out each day (depending on the chapters) so I don't do too many and give others a chance to participate

How are you guys enjoying my story so far? Anyone you'd guys like to see more of or do any of you have any story ideas?

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