Lost Girl - Part 10

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In an instance, Peyton was thrown to the ground as CJ pinned him in the dirt. Her edge of her hook was pushed against her neck, almost drawing blood. Peyton's eyes were wide with terror as CJ looked down at him in anger.

"YOU LIED TO ME!" CJ shouted, keeping him on the ground. He was too afraid to move, the hook hurting her skin already.

"No I didn't!" Peyton shouted back, and Perry began to bark at CJ.

"Shut up mutt." She stated, looking at the dog slightly before her blue eyes moved back down to her victim below.

"You never told me you were a Pan!" CJ shouted.

"I didn't think it was important, I-"

"Important?! Not important!? That's only the most important thing ever! That same blood coursing through your veins is the same blood that destroyed by fathers legacy!" CJ shouted, pushing her hook further into his tan skin. Blood began to drizzle down to the dirt below. The pirate girl thought she should just end him right then and there.

"Well I'm not my father! Okay?" Peyton shouted, and finally he was able to move one of his hands as he grabbed her hook. The older boy tried to pull it away, tried being the key word.

"I should just kill you right now and get revenge on that green flying devil!"

Peys eyes widened, he was actually afraid she might be like her father that much as to kill. As evil as the other villains were, it was a known fact that Captain Hook was the first to murder someone. A pirates life it was.

"He won't care, he doesn't care about me!" Peyton stated, and CJ say anger in his eyes. It was a different type of anger however, it was an evil type of anger.

"What?" She questioned, pulling her hook away slightly but still kept it close to his neck.

Peyton didn't say anything, he just laid there pinned down by the pirate girl. The boy didn't know what to say, he didn't know how to explain. And he didn't want too.

After a few seconds of silence, CJ's patience was up. "I don't like waiting, boy!"

"Alright alright!" Pey stated, "My dad and my mom had a little romance thing on the island, and that's how I came to be. Peter Pan may never grow up but he's still a teenage boy with hormones. But- once they found out she was pregnant. He thought it would be best to leave Neverland and raise me. The only people who know about this Bay is the old King and Queen and Fairy God Mother. My parents lived here together for three years, but my mom got kicked out of her tribe once she left. So she can never go back to Neverland. My mom says my dad left because he was too heartbroken that we would grow old and he wouldn't. But the real reason is that, once he left Neverland for too long he started to grow up. So he went back when I was three, I haven't seen him sense. He doesn't care about me or my mom, and frankly I'm disappointed that he's my father. I hate that kid."

"So Peter Pan is still a boy?" CJ questioned.

"Yeah, a teenage boy, not much older than you and me. Time is irrelevant in Neverland, if you are born here and go there you'll never grow up."

CJ stayed still for a moment, debating in her head whether or not she should kill this kid. He was telling the truth, she knew that. "Just because your father is gone doesn't mean he doesn't love you, so why shouldn't I kill you right here right now?"

"Cause I won't be able to take you to Never Neverland and the pirate ship." Peyton stated.

"What's Never Neverland?" CJ asked, her eyebrow raised.

"Can't tell you, you'll just have to see it with your own eyes." Peyton smirked slightly, before a thought appeared in his mind. "You've never actually killed anybody before, haven't you?"

CJ neared her Hook closer to his neck, her teeth gritting together. But still, she didn't say anything. The truth is, everyone in her family had supposedly killed someone. You weren't a real Hook, until you'd killed someone.

"You're a Hook and you've never killed anyone before!" Peyton smiled, "Oh this is great!"

CJ pushed her Hook against his neck more. "Shut up!" The pirate girl finally jumped off of him, straight to her feet.

"Show me the ship." She stated, reaching her hand down to help the kid up.

Pey was a little baffled, and he reached up and grabbed her hand. CJ pulled him up halfway, before letting his hand go and he stumbled back into the dirt.

"There's your first lesson, if a VK offers to help you. Don't let them." CJ stated, putting her hook back to her belt as she stood there. She waited for him to get up as she crossed her arms across her chest.

"Yeah okay, Sea Lily." He mumbled, standing up and brushing himself off. "But we can't see the ship, it's too late now."

"What!? But you said-" CJ was cut off by his words.

"I know what I said, but that was before we watched that movie. But, I can show you Never Neverland?"

CJ bit the inside of her cheeks, thinking about what this place might be. If it was anything like Neverland, she really wanted to go. But, another part of her told her never to go to Neverland. Her father had warned her of all the dangers, but also, he warned her to never go near the teachers of Neverland.

"And what's that?" CJ questioned.

"Well I guess you'll just have to follow me and see." Peyton mumbled, headed down the path they were on through the tree vineyards. CJ stood there, watching the dog following him.

She wasn't sure if she should follow this boy into the unknown. CJ knew there was something off about him, but she still couldn't put her finger on it.

Pey looked back, reaching out his hand towards CJ. "Why don't you trust me, Sea Lily?"

CJ unfolded her arms and her hands turned into fists at her sides as she walked forwards. "I will never trust you and stop calling me that, but I'm as curious as Cheshire Cat so let's get moving." The pirate girl mumbled, "And I'm not holding your hand."

And with that the boy laughed, and the two headed down the trail....


So Peter Pan never grew up, and to hide his mistake he left the girl and his kid on a secret bay nobody knows about :/ so much for hero?

again, it's all about perspective ;)

also this one shot is going to be kinda long I am now realizing, and I'm excited for introducing Harriet and Sammy Smee into this book. so I'm going to kinda rush my writing just a tad, so I can fit all my ideas in the one shot. if you don't like it, that's fine, just wait until I start the next one shot!

and just a little FYI, the next one shot will be back on the Isle after Descendants 2. and it's gonna be sick as heck ;)

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