It's Going Down - ENDING

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Harriet and Harry looked at each other, in silence. They didn't know how to respond to each other. But one thing was for certain, it broke their hearts to see CJ crying.

"I'm putting and end to this right now!" Captain Hook shouted, and Smee shivered behind him.

"Oh dear..." He mumbled, as the Captain barged out of the trees and towards CJ.

The youngest Hook girl gulped, seeing her father come at her in a blind rage. She took a few startled steps back, scared.

Which were a few steps too many.

"CJ!" Harry shouted, running forwards, but it was too late.

CJ had tripped over the rocks, her limp leg stumbled. And her heart skipped a beat, as she fell backwards into the chasm. She screamed, a scream that would be remembered in their minds and hearts forever.

Captain James Hook stopped in his tracks, his eyes widened and he looked terribly afraid. He knew what fate awaited CJ, and his heart stopped as she disappeared behind the rocks. The Captain toppled over, grabbing his chest and falling on the ground. He had sentenced her many times to death, those were only fantasy's and now this was reality.

Mr. Smee covered his mouth as a few tears fell down his cheeks, he had helped raise these children. It was almost like loosing his own daughter.

"CJ!" Harry called out again as he raced to the edge, Harriet chased after him. He was crazy enough to try and save her, even though there was no way for her to be saved. Harry was going to jump.

Harriet grabbed on to his arms, and pulled him back towards her. He yelled, no screamed, his sister name as he looked down. Harry tried to pull away from Harriet who kept him from jumping down. She wasn't about to loose two people she loved in one day.

"NOOO!" Harry yelled, as he felt tears come to his eyes. He gritted his teeth in heart shattering pain. He felt his knees go numb as he fell to the ground, looking inside the deep pit.

CJ's screaming grew faint, until it vanished along with her body. Into the River with the spiked rocks, and rushing waves.

"WE HAVE TO GET DOWN THERE!" Harry screamed, standing up and looking at his sister for help. "W- WE HAVE TO HELP HER WE-"

"Harry." Harriet spoke softly, her mouth gaped open wide as her eyes were filled with shock and horror. "She's gone."

In a blink of an eye, life could end so quickly. And there was one less villain on the Isle of the Lost.

Harry tore himself away from his sister, going back on his hands and knees and looking over the chasm. "No no no no! She can't be gone! She can't! She's alive! She has to be alive!"

Harriet leaned down and placed her hand on her brothers back. "Harry, there's no way she survived that fall. And even if she did, her bones would have been crushed by the rocks and she can't swim-"

Harriet choked on her words as anger flooded her body and tears swelled in her eyes. If it wasn't for them, creating this War. If they had only done what she had asked, this would have never happened.

Harry suddenly sprang up, pushing Harriet out of his way as he ran past his father who was sitting on the ground. He ran into the forest, hiding his sad face as he did.

Mr. Smee came over to Captain Hook, and helped him up. "Come, Captain..." He mumbled, as he stumbled up and out of the place that he had just lost his youngest. He didn't know what to do, or what to say, the reality of his daughter being gone was haunting him. He never thought the day would actually come, where he would loose an offspring. And now he was the father of two, instead of three.

And then there was Harriet, left alone on the large rock. She looked out over the shallow grave. And a few tears rolled down her cheeks, the Pirate Queen screamed out.

She screamed into the hole, and it echoed as her screams carried on and on and on. And that was the first time she cried in a long time, they had just gotten her back and now she was gone again, for good this time.

And a flock of birds flew by as Harriet screamed into the black sky, as it began to rain.

The sky was crying.

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