Lost Girl - Part 7

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CJ walked out of the hallway, and went through the living room. Both of the doors were now open. The girl turned around, startled when she saw Pey in the kitchen cleaning up her mess.

"How'd you get in here?!" CJ stated, putting her hook back at her side and folding her arms across her chest.

The boy looked up from the somewhat clean floor. He had obviously been here for a while since it was decently clean now.

"I live here. You don't think I own a key to my own house?" Pey stated, shaking his head in irritation. "I left for thirty minutes and you destroyed my kitchen. Did you not see that the orange juice cartoon was on fire?"

CJ chuckled softly, "The smell of things burning is normal for me." The pirate girl stated. "I also made a few of drawlings of my own on your walls!"

Pey looked up with his blue eyes, he was angered even more now. "Okay so you destroy my kitchen? And then you go and destroy my walls? Wow, I'd hate to see how you treat people who are mean to you."

CJ started walking through his living room, looking at the photos on the walls. They had pictures of Pey and another woman, she was older, probably his mother. She had tan darker skin than Pey, but her smile was wide. "Hey that's what happens when you let a villain into your house, and besides...your walls are more colorful now!"

CJ moved around, looking at a tiny bird carving down by the TV. Not just any carving, but a crystal carving. She grabbed it, looking over her shoulder at Pey before she stuffed it into a small pocket on her large buckle.

"Yeah okay." Pey stated, trying to contain his anger against this pirate girl. "You could at least help me clean up?"

CJ laughed, looking back at her with wide eyes. "Me? Help you? Nah, I'm not a maid boyo."

Perry came up to CJ, sniffing her as he didn't recognize her scent. Then he barked, getting Peys attention. This was the first time since CJ got out of the shower that he had taken the time to look at her.

"Woah, you clean up nice..." Pey stated, looking at CJ with a little smirk on his face before finishing up the kitchen.

CJ smiled, "Oh hun, of course I do."

The girl walked over to the kitchen, the dog following her. She leaned against the wall as she watched Pey on the ground. "So did you call the police yet?"

Pey looked up from his place on the ground. He cleaned the last bit of food from the ground, standing up. The brown haired boy took off his gloves and threw them in the sink. "Why would I do that?" He questioned.

"Cause I'm a villain." CJ stated, watching the taller boy as he began to put discarted things back in his fridge.

"No you're not." He stated.

CJ raised her eyebrows, laughing at him a tad bit. "Yes, I am. CJ Hook, daughter of Captain-"

"I know who you are, Sea Lily." Pey stated, leaning against the counter and looking at CJ.

"Then you know I am a villain." CJ stated, taking her hook from her side and playing with it slightly. She wasn't really trying to intimidate the boy, more just boredom.

The boy looked at her with a blank face before moving out of the now clean kitchen and into the living room. It had a small book self underneath the TV. He reached down and grabbed a book, flipping it's pages until he found what he was looking for.

"The definition of Villain is, someone who uses evil as a form of power to commit crimes." He started, "That's just one of the many definitions they have listed on here, and not a single one of them defines you."

CJ walked over to the boy, taking the book from him. She looked over the words, she wasn't the fastest reader however. "I'm a villain." She stated, closing the book and throwing it into his chest.

"Really?" The boy stated, folding his arms across his chest as he looked at CJ. They were standing close, but it didn't seem to phase any of them. "What have you done that is so evil you get to label yourself a villain?"

CJ was about to say something, but then she paused. Because she hasn't done something truly evil before. She was rotten, wicked in most ways but she hadn't ever done anything totally evil. The pirate girl was quiet, biting the inside of her lip. "Did you get my boots?" CJ questioned, changing the conversation.

Peyton laughed, pointing to the ground by the glass doors. "They're right there, Sea Lily."

CJ ignored him and went over to put her boots in. "I'll be going now." She stated, about to open the door.

"No you're not." Pey stated, sitting down on the nearby couch. CJ raised her eyebrows with an annoyed look on her face.

"What?" She questioned him in annoyance, opening the door.

"You're not leaving because...you can't leave until your head is healed up. You might have a concussion, and by might, I'm pretty sure you do. And I would know, my mom's a nurse." Pey stated, and Perry came and jumped on the couch. The little dog crawled onto his lap.

"So?" CJ stated, crossing her arms across her chest. "My head's fine."

"I put some glue on your cut, but that won't last long. You're going to need stitches, which lucky for you I know how to do."

"So why do I need to stay here?" CJ asked, she actually wouldn't mind crashing here for a few nights. But, also, she did mind if he was going to be here.

"Cause, someone's gotta remove the stitches in a week and a half and if you don't do it right your head will bust open again." Pey stated, "Also you can't leave because we're in a magical dome and you won't be able to find your way out."

"WHAT?" CJ questioned, stomping over in front of him with her fists on her hips.

"Calm down chica, my mom's not coming back for a while so you'll be safe here." Peyton mumbled, reaching for the remote and turning on the TV in front of him.

"I didn't escape the Isle just to be trapped in another prison!" CJ shouted, her hands moved down to her sides as she clenched her fists.

Peyton was ignoring her temper tantrum, and instead was watching what was playing on the TV. "Well I'm not going to let you leave without you being well. Besides, you can stay here and go wherever you want. The domes magic so it just goes in for miles, we've got a farm, the ocean, we've even got a ship and we can go sailing if you want."

The boy looked up at CJ, his eyebrows wiggling slightly. He knew he had just offered her something she couldn't resist. "You have a ship?" CJ questioned, her eyes opened wide...

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