Lost Girl - Part 1

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four months before, 'Home'

The sound of heavy pants and cries could be heard throughout the forest, running across sticks as they cracked mix with the cries. Making it sound like a painful Harmony from within the barrier of the trees. The blond pirate ran across the leaf fallen floor, slipping on rocks and things. Her hair was knotted terribly, she had tried her best to tie it back behind her head, but it still was knotted.

Just keep running, just keep running, her thoughts told her inside her head. The sound of dogs barking and growling aggressively could be heard, coming quickly from behind her. Mal may have let her go free a month ago, but that didn't mean the actual law wasn't looking for her everyday.

She ran, knowing the dogs were getting closer and right behind the dogs, were the people. Whether or not they'd take her back to the Isle, she didn't know. But it had been two months since she left, it felt more like a decade.

CJ turned her direction of running, for she knew this forests quite well now. She was headed towards the nearby cliffs. They were a ways away from Auradon, but yet they'd still be able to find her eventually. The blond girl moved swiftly, and as soon as she reached the cliff side. CJ began looking to take something off of her body...

"Coat?" CJ spoke outloud, which is something she'd do to keep herself from going more insane then she already was. "No, it gets cold."

Finally she had come up with the fact that she didn't want to give up her crock skinned boots, her shirt, and definitely not her treasure map leggings of Neverland. That was way too valuable. Her hook? HECK NO, she had that since who knows how long. In the end, the thing that kept her warm at night was the thing that she would need to get rid of. It was definitely going to be a cold night, especially since she was about to go jump into a stream. Literally.

The girl sighed as she left her coat near the tall mountain. She loved that coat, it had been with her since her tenth birthday. Granted she didn't actually fit in it until a year or so ago, but she grew into it nicely and it looked good on her. But now, she'd no longer have the pleasures of wearing such a perfect coat.

CJ placed it up on a tree branch, before taking off down into the deep part of the forest again. Where the stream was. She had done this before, and she was hoping the guards wouldnt catch on to her anytime soon.

Her boots clashed into the quiet River, making a nearby heard of deer scatter in all directions. CJ was thankful the river was shallow enough for her feet to touch the ground, she wasn't the best swimmer. The girl dunked her whole body underneath the water, hurrying to get to the other side. CJ got out, squeezing her shirt to release the water that hid away. The night breeze drifted in her direction, a chills went down her back. It wasn't cold enough for her to get hypothermia, but it was cold enough for her to get sick. That's for sure.

CJ continued running, hoping that with the shadows of the trees and the night sky. The dogs wouldn't be able to smell her scent of rotting kelp, or the the men would be smart enough to look for the water drops on the ground. Thankfully, fall had passed and the ground was still covered with leaves, which made it harder to walk but easier to get away. CJ wasn't much of a land person anyways, she wished to be out on the ocean.

The girl ran a few yards from the river, until she found a tree that was low enough for her to jump up and climb. Her already scrapped hands reached up and she hoisted herself to the top of the tree quicky. But soon enough, the guards were right underneath her.

Their dogs were barking, but they didn't look up.

"Where'd she go?" One shouted, pointing his flash light through the trees.

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