WAR - Part 13

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"I do have to say sister, there's a new fire in you that I have not yet seen before. I don't know whether that's a good thing or bad thing, but either way it's wicked." Harry stated, and CJ could only plaster one of her classic grins along her face.

But before Harry could open the door, she turned around and placed her back against it. Keeping her inside and keeping him from opening it. "One last thing!" She said.

"Nope. Leave now or you'll be leaving off the end of a plank!" Harry shouted through gritted teeth, he had about enough of his little sister for today.

"Oh okay, well I guess I just won't tell you about that Pixie Dust I brought back. The dust that seems to be the only somewhat magical thing that works on the Island, hmm I wonder why that is." She mumbled, a smirk wide along her face. CJ knew she had her brother wrapped around her finger now.

Harry's pissed off face turned into a smile as he moved his hands off his sister as stood there patiently. "Out with it, then."

"Come to Father's shop at ten o'clock, alone Harry. I'll show you what I got, mkay brother?"

He smirked, thinking about it for a moment. And if he could get that Pixie Dust from his sister, one way or another, it would help what he was planning. Very much so.

"Mkay." Harry stated, but suddenly the door behind CJ opened and she fell into Gil's arms.

"Oh! Hey CJ!" Gil stated, and Harry motioned for him to take her away. The blond haired boy pulled the blond haired girl out of the Captains Quarters. And Harry followed them out.

"Oh hey Gil?" CJ questioned, moving her body and jumping into his arms bridal style. Letting him take her off the boat. "Where are ya guys keeping Cyn?"

"Do not-" Harry shouted, but it was too late. Gil had already begun speaking. "Oh she's a few decks below in a cell!"

CJ looked at Harry with a smirk and stuck out her tongue and Harry just looked at her annoyed. But he was more annoyed that Uma had ever let this idiot join their crew, truly he kept him around because they were friends but he would never admit it.

As Gil carried CJ down off the boat, Harry watched off the side. And CJ yelled out to him, "Oh!" She started, "I'm gonna tell ya this only because I know it will annoy you that it won't do you any good, when it could do you good, but it won't with this one!" The pirate girl motioned to Gil who set her down on the docks gently.

CJ cupped her hands around her mouth so her brother could hear. "GIL AND CYN ARE RELATED!" And with that, she ran forwards away towards her father's shop. It was a weekend, so school, which she usually would be late for anyways, wasn't today. But still, she would have to open the shop. Father's orders.

Harry titled his head towards Gil with a face of utmost disappoinment. The dumbfounded son of Gaston came back up the boat with a smile that he had done and accomplished what Harry had asked of him.

"You are related to Cyn?" He questioned him, jumping off the edge of the boat as he folded his arms across his chest. Standing in front of Gil.

"Little Cyny! Yeah! She's my dad's uncle's-" Gil stopped, "Oh wait no, she's my dad's brothers ex wife's and his kid...I think."

Harry chuckled and grabbed Gils shoulder kindly. He knew that he couldn't send Gil down there to get information out fo Cyn, he'd walk down the stairs and then forget what he was supposed to do. And Cyn apparently got the brains, because she was much smarter than Harry had previously anticipated.

"Does she have any weaknesses?" Harry questioned Gil, keeping his eyes on the son of Gaston intently.

"Oh wait, maybe she's my dad's sisters ex wife- no ex husband and hers kid! I don't know, she's always at family dinners and-"

Harry spoke over the dumb kid, "Since when do you have an Aunt?" The son of Hook questioned Gil.

Gil's eyes widened with his smile as he looked thrilled, "I have an Aunt!?"

Harry face palmed his forehead and pushed Gil away before turning back to go inside his Captains Quarters. CJ was right, even though it could have been of use, it wouldn't because of Gil's brain. Which seemed to be the size of a nut shell.

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