WAR - Part 6

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Damian smiled, "I'd be honored, Captain." The boy mumbled, turning towards the other pirate crew as they began to walk away. A thick layer of fog was hiding them, but Damian's eyes were keen and sharp. He could tell Echos body figure apart from the other pirates.

Damian raised his gun, aiming with glee as he found her body in the dark fog. And boom. He shot the bullet, and it fell right into the backside of her leg.

"AGH!" Echo yelled, falling the ground. She looked back, and could see the figure of Damian coming after her. The brunette haired girl reached out to Harry as he kept walking forwards. "Harry! Help me!"

Harry turned around slightly with a smile, "Nah." He stated, "You are of no use to me now, I already got what I want." And with that, him and his crew kept going on.

"No! Please!" Echo cried out through the fog as they began to disappear, and Damian's footsteps got closer. "I can help you! I'm of value, Harry! I promise! Harry!"

The son of hook continued on, not giving her another glance. She had already told him every way there was inside the fortress. What booby traps were there, and the type of weapons they had. She had also told him that the best access point was through the broken roof, where they had hoisted Cyn out when the others were distracted. The only thing she didn't know was where they kept their stashed goodies of explosives. Which is why he specifically kidnapped the Powder Monkey.

"You are so getting floated now!" Damian shouted as he grabbed ahold of Echo's hair and pulled her up off the ground. She grabbed her sword, going to swing it at him. Damian shot the end of the sword, forcing her to drop it out of fear of having her hand blown off.

She struggled, kicking him with her other leg and trying to tear his hand away from her long brown locks. "Let go of me! You Blaggard!" Echo shouted, and her twisting and turning only made him angrier.

"Shut up, witch!" Damian shouted, slamming her head against a nearby tree. He then picked her up and threw her over his shoulder, taking her back to his Captain with a smile.

"You can't just let them take Cyn!" Dick was arguing with Harriet as she threw a bucket of water along the ground. If the flames reached the dry dirt, it would start a forest fire. And if the flames reached the town, there would be no place for the people of the Isle to escape from the fire.

"Dick!" Harriet slapped his face hard. "Help us!"

"I have to go after her!" Dick shouted, about to turn and leave.

Harriet stopped what she was doing and turned to face him. She placed her hands on his face and looked him eye to eye. "I promise you, Harry will not touch a single hair on her head." Then with one of her hands she grabbed ahold of his face and turned his direction towards the burning tower. "NOW GET YOUR ASS UP THERE AND PUT OUT THOSE FLAMES!"

Dick gulped, hesitant for a moment. But he trusted his Captain, plus if he didn't listen to her, he'd most probably be hanged. The younger boy went and grabbed a bucket, running to the ocean which was only a yard or so away.

"Captain!" Harriet heard Damian call out as he walked back with her prisoner on his shoulder. The pirate boy came and threw Echo down on the ground in front of The Pirate Queen. Very hard. And just in case she would try anything, he held his pistol near the back of her head.

Harriet stopped in front of the girl, looking down at her. The flames burning her kingdom behind her, as she looked at the one who she had shown mercy too. And yet, she had gone and betrayed them, again.

Harriet leaned down on one leg, and grabbed Echos face in her hand with such force. Her blue eyes peered down at Echos brown ones, and she spat on the ground near her. "You betrayed us. Twice."

"I was doing what I had to do to survive! And- this is your fault! You kicked me out of Havoc Shores! You were the one that-"

Harriet moved her hand from Echos face to her throat, squeezing tightly and stopping her words. "You know. The first time you betrayed me, you betrayed your crew- You cheated death, because I gave your mercy. I gave you grace. And you simply walked away without a single scratch, all I demanded was that you never stepped foot on Havoc Shores again."

Harriet titled her head to the side. And on her face was no remorse, no anger, it was just plain. But her eyes, her eyes told the story of a feared warrior. The Queen of Havocs, the heathens of the Isle of the Lost.

"And do you remember the very last words I said to you, hmm?" Harriet stated, as Echo tried to pull the girls hand away from her throat. "I told you, that if I ever saw you on my land again, I would kill you."

Harriet smirked, as her voice cut thick into Echos mind with no stuttering. "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. And now, I am done showing mercy."

The Pirate Queen stood up from her lowered place on the ground. She let go of her throat, and kicked her in the face as she stood. Echo fell to the ground, spitting out blood.

It was then that Warren came running up, holding a bottle full of liquid. Harriet took it from the boy, and dumped it out on Echo. The smell of gasoline filled the air. Harriet looked at Damian, a laugh escaping her lips. "Throw her in the fire."

Damian grabbed ahold of her hair and pressed the gun up to her head. Echo screamed and yelled for her freedom, for grace and mercy. But, Harriet had already shown enough of that.

The pirate boy went to the wooden doors, looking inside the tower. Flames were visible on the ground level, and he quickly went to throw her into the burning pit.

"This is where a witch like you belongs." Damian shouted, before he pushed Echo forwards and into the flames. His hands grabbed the open wide wooden doors, and he closed them from the outside.

But it's not like Echo could even reach the doors. She was already being engulfed by flames...

The Queen of Havocs. How awesome does that sound?

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