WAR - Part 4

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Each and everyone of them pulled out their swords, holding them swiftly at their sides. Ash went over to Wells and hit his chest, waking him up to get with the program.

"Who!?" Harriet questioned, more like shouted as she rushed quickly towards the shut doors. Everyone else spread out, waiting for instructions.

"He got Cyn!" Jakko stuttered, his body shaking as the others pushed passed him while following Harriet.

Dicks eyes narrowed as he gritted his teeth together, "WHAT!" He shouted, even moving ahead of Harriet as he ran out of the large wooden doors.

"Dick! No!" Grant shouted, knowing better than to just barge right into danger. Harriet had tried to grab ahold of him, but his rage and anger had caused him to spring forwards into an attack.

He flew the doors open, which was an immediate mistake. Suddenly, other pirates came down off of ropes behind them inside. And outside, was a line of pirates. They were trapped in a circle of others who were just as vicious as them.

"Hold!" Harriet shouted, seeing that the others didn't attack them. Her crew held on to their guns and swords, prepared to attack when their commander told them too.

"We should kill them now." Damian whispered into her ear, but Harriet ignored his words.

Harriet's eyes widened as her eyes adjusted to the incoming darkness, and she knew who these people were. She knew what they belonged too and where they came from.


Harry Hook stepped out from behind a few of his men, a smile spread wide and a laugh along his lips. Harriet gulped, her brother was the intruder. What the bloody hell was he doing?

Harriet gritted her teeth together as she grabbed the end of her sword with vigor, anger coursing through her veins. Warren stepped forwards from behind Harriet, trying to lunge at Harry but she held her arm out to stop the young one. She wanted to hear what he had to say, and what he was trying to do.

"Captain Hook." Harry smiled, talking to his sister as he stepped forwards. His blue eyes looked down at hers. She was taller than CJ, but shorter than Harry.

"Harry." She spat, watching how close her got to her and her crew.

"Ah no. That's where you are wrong big sis, it's Captain Hook now too." Harry said, pulling out his hook as he continued walking forwards towards Harriet.

"Yeah, I will never call you that." Harriet said, before Dick finally spoke up from behind them.

"WHERE IS SHE YOU BASTARD!?" The young boy shouted, and Harriet looked behind her and stepped on his foot. Making Dick hush up.

"What do you want Harry?" The Pirate Queen asked, keeping a tight hold on her sword. From the corners of her eyes she watched the movements of the ones that surrounded them. Her crew came first and foremost.

"Nah uh- Remember? It's Captain Hook now...and I came to make a little deal with you. Well, to be completely honest, more like a threat." Harry began to come closer, and he ran his hook through his sister's brown braided locks of hair. "I am the new Captain Hook, and not only do I want your mantle, I want your land."

With that, Harriet quickly turned on her feet in a blink of an eye. She had Harry's hand with the hook facing down towards the ground, and her sword was right up against her brothers neck.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you!" Harry laughed with such evil, and whistled a little tune.

From the wall of pirates came three more figures, and one was fighting to get away. "GET YOUR BLOODY HANDS OFF OF ME!"

Two other pirates were holding the twelve year old girl as she fought vigorously for her freedom. It was Cyn, she girl who had originally been sleeping on the hammock inside. Before being taken by the hands of the Lost Revenge crew...

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