WAR - Part 10

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CJ ran up to her sister as Harriet raised from her place at the table. The Pirate Queen had her hook in her hands, and she stabbed it into the wooden wall behind her. "Harry would never do that!" She reassured her sister, "He must have been cursed or something!"

Harriet turned around, throwing her hands in the air as she gestured to the shore line through the broken windows. "No CJ! That was Harry James Hook, and-" Harriet stopped, leaning forwards on the table beneath her as she choked back hateful words and tears.

Being betrayed by family was a whole new level of evil.

"Harriet?" CJ questioned, she had never seen her sister in this state before. She wasn't sure how to react. The younger girl reached out to touch her sisters shoulder kindly, but Harriet raised from her place and CJ quickly retracted her hand back to her side before Harriet could see.

"He's been boiling a jealous envy for the past seventeen years! I've always been the golden child, I was a Captain long before he ever got a chance, Father loves me the most! And now, Harry is taking out his anger on me and acting out of jealousy." The Pirate Queen stated, going over to a drawer as she pulled out a map. Of course, CJ had been hurt by what she said. But it was true. Harriet was the perfect spawn of Captain James Hook, both her siblings were envious of her. But was Harry really that insane as to attack his own blood?

"Jealousy seems to be the root of all evil." CJ sated, "I got that from a song."

Harriet ignored her.

"I need you to go to his ship, find their weak spots. There's enough room for my ship to travel from the bay, we can sneak up from behind the cliff side and-"

CJ raised her hands in the air, "Woah! Woah! Woah! Woah! Woah! Hold up, H! You are not about to drag me into this War of Jealousy and Revenge!"

CJ looked at her sister with her eyes wide, but she couldn't help look at the map that Harriet had pulled out. She had always been drawn to maps, ever since she was a little girl. Which was not a coincidence.

"I need your help." Harriet commanded, slamming her fists into the table.

"I will help you, but I will not join this mess that Harry has made. I am not about to choose which crew to battle alongside while one of my siblings could be killed!"

Harriet looked at CJ with irritation before turning her head back to the map. She began to plan out her revenge, and CJ knew all to well her plotting face.

"H. I'll go talk to Harry, but I am not choosing a side. He's definitely in the wrong, I agree with that but-" CJ paused for a second. "Come down to Father's shop at ten this morning, I'll have Harry there alone. You two need to sit down and talk before you cause an actual War that neither of you will be able to escape from."


"HARRIET!" CJ shouted over her sister, but immediately regretted it afterwards. She folded her hands behind her back and lowered her head a little bit. But her eyes stayed glued to her sister's boldly.

Harriet looked at her sister with her jaws clenched together, "You are with him aren't you!" The older girl marched over and grabbed CJ's hair in her hand, pulling her towards the ground. CJ stomped on her sisters foot, loosening her sisters grip as she made her escape. She moved away from her sister quickly, grabbing the hook at her side for extra protection in case Harriet went all Hook on her.

"Blimey, H!" CJ started, "Of course not!  Stop taking out your anger on me and calm down!"

Harriet stayed where she was, her hand was over her head. It had grabbed ahold of the swords handle, ready to strike. But she stopped, letting go off her swords end and sighing. She went over to the side of her cabin, finding a broken window to look out as she smelled the sweet sea. It calmed her senses, before she turned back to her sister.

"What time?" She questioned, picking up a globe that she had previously thrown on the floor and set it back on her desk.

"Ten o'clock today, at Father's shop. Harry will be alone, so come alone. If you bring your war rats it will only cause more trouble, you and Harry just need to talk, okay?"

Harriet shook her head up and down, saying yes. But she was tempted to take along some of her men, they could go burn down the Lost Revenge while she was distracting Harry. And again, CJ knew her plotting face all too well.

"Harriet." CJ stated, walking up to her sister as she grabbed her hands. The younger girl looked up at her older sister, their blue eyes meeting. "Alone please. No tricks, no sneak attacks, no plotting. If you are not going to do it for yourself, do it for me, please."

Harriet ripped her hands away from her sisters and folded her arms across her chest with a sigh. "Fine." She mumbled, biting her bottom lip.

CJ suddenly reached out her hand for her sister to shake, "Hooks honor?"

Harriet shook her head yes, spitting into her hand as she clasped it together with CJ's. "Hooks honor."

CJ quickly pulled her hand away and whipped it down along Harriet's jacket. Before Harriet slapped her had away. "Ew! Seriously!? Why do you always do that!" CJ whimpered.

"Why would I not?" Harriet stated, "The look on your face makes it all worth it."

It was good to see Harriet smile.

shout out to YourNewCreepster for giving me Harry's middle name, James. It suits well and is perfect!

Question y'all, do you have any suggestions or ideas that you think would make my story better?

Also there is both a gif and a video edit above, so check it out loves ;)

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