Sunsets - Part 15

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^ slight violence

CJ gulped before speaking, clearing her throat as she did her best to hold in her laughter. One wrong move, and she could get herself killed.

"I was at the shop, I stayed after dark for an hour or so to get ready for the next day."

Her father starred at her for a moment. The Captain was deciding who was lying and who was telling the truth. Obviously, Harriet was not lying to him. Harry, he was gone all day but why would he make CJ's men go away? Unless he was actually telling the truth. But CJ, she had been known for her various pranks around these parts, and this was definitely something she'd be capable of. And, she had a reason too.

"I don't believe you." The Captain spat, he raised his hooked hand to hit CJ on the head. But she did something that shocked everyone in the room.

The pirate girl reached up and grabbed his hook in her hand, stopping him from hitting her. His eyes widened as Harriet and Harry looked at her with eyes of disbelief. Sure, there had been times that they had tried to stand up to their father, but CJ? This, this was different.

"Father." She stated, boldly. "I did not do this to you. Believe me."

Captain Hook pulled his arm away from his daughters hand, glaring at her. "Get out of my sight!" He yelled at all of them, before he himself went back up the stairs in a raging fury.

CJ sighed a sigh of relief, letting out all her anxiety. Apparently, she was in the clear. And honestly, she couldn't believe she had just done that. Her hand shook as she smiled wide.

The two looked at their younger sister, eyes still large as they starred at her in disbelief. Harriet looked at CJ, with a death stare. "You are sick in the head." But then her older sister smirked, and winked at her.

CJ smiled, laughing silently. Her sister knew it was her, but she didn't say anything. Harriet turned to Harry, "Brother." She stated, and then to CJ. "Sister."

And with that she went down the last flight of stairs into the shop, where she would head out the back, and go to her home in Havoc Shores.

CJ turned to go back upstairs, but she was caught by Harry's hook as he pulled her down the stairs and outside the back. "Ow! Ow! Ow!" She mumbled while being pulled by her brother, but she didn't fight back much, she knew she would be in less trouble with him then she would have been with her father.

Harry pulled her outside and pushed his little sister against the wall. He held her against the wall with one of his arms, and with the other he pointed his hook near her face. "Seriously?" He questioned her complete irritated.

"In my defense, I was left unsupervised." She smirked with a wink, which just made Harry push her against the wall more. Her head banged against the bricks as she winced in pain.

"I don't care what you do with your pathetic little life, but next time ya try and drag me into it, think twice." Harry let his sister go, but not before grabbing a fist full of her hair and pulling her to the ground.

CJ fell down, turning around to face him. She laughed, looking up at him from the ground as she shook her head yes. He annoyingly scoffed ,and began to walk away. Of course, he would have hurt her more but he had things he needed to get done.

"Hey." CJ mumbled, staying on the wet stoned ground as she looked up at her older brother. He turned his head to the side, looking at CJ. "Thanks for not ratting me out."

Harry smiled, "Thanks for making me laugh." He spoke softly, and with that he was gone.

The truth was, they were all apart of it. CJ had a way of bringing in others unknowingly, that way she wouldn't be the only one to be in trouble. Harry had told her guards to go off looking for her. Harriet's boys had helped them get the crocodile. And Sammy and her, they did most of the dirty work, but still. The Captain goes down with the ship right? If she was going down, she'd drag everyone down with her.

And Captain Hook needed to be reminded, that believe. Has a lie in it.

Shout out to YourNewCreepster even though you do not need a shout out because I'm pretty sure everyone is reading your stories cause they are absolutely awesome and yes yes yes yes update soon pls

BUT OMG CJ WHAT DID YOU DO OMG, also my new favorite quote is now, "In my defense, I was left unsupervised." BUT OMG LITTLE CJ BABY IS GROWING UP AND CAPTAIN HOOK DOESNT KNOW WHAT TO DO ABOUT IT OOPS

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