Lost Girl - Part 11

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"How much further?!" CJ complained, them behind sideways on a hillside. They had been walking for a while, and the sun had begun to go down near the sea.

"Just at the top of this hill." Peyton stated as they reached a little ledge. The boy knew where to put his legs as he jumped up the rock.

CJ looked at it for a moment, seeing how she was going to go up.

"Here, let me help you." Pey mumbled, and the dog near CJ barked up at him.

CJ rolled her eyes, leaning down and picking up the dog. "No. You can help the mutt, I don't need any help, Pet."

"My name's Pey, not Pet, and fine." The boy stated as he lifted Perry up and over the rock. He then took a few steps back, giving CJ room to get up.

CJ looked at the rock, and took a few steps backwards. In a flash, she ran and flipped over the boulder. Landing on top of it in style. Pey looked at her with a smile, "Woah..." He stated, starring at her for some time.

"When you are raised with two chaotic siblings and a drunk man, you learn some things." CJ winked, moving forwards as Peyton just kept starring at her in awe.

"What?" CJ questioned him, spitting on the ground beneath her.

"Nothing." He just stuttered, laughing as he ran one of his hands through his thick hair.

Soon enough, Pey had lead her to a large tree. It seemed so big, like a Sequoia tree. And on the bottom, by the roots, was a decent sized entrance. Apparently, that's where they were headed because Pey quickly crawled across the ground and underneath the tree.

"And why are we going into a tree?" CJ asked, bending over so she could look underneath. But the boy was gone, he had suddenly disappeared again. Just like he had done on the beach earlier in the day.

She looked around for Perry, but the dog had already followed him into the tree. CJ rolled her eyes, getting down on the ground and rolling underneath the tree. But as soon as she rolled underneath it, her body fell down. "WOAH!" CJ shouted, trying to grab ahold of something but she was on some sort of, slide?

Finally, the slide ended and she landed in a large pile of rotten and disgusting leaves. When she looked up, she saw a dark and disgusting forest. Creatures of some sort were looking at her in the trees, but she could only see their eyes. She had chills that went down her spine, and felt completely uneasy. Then it hit her, they had just come from above and now they were below. And below, there was another forest?

She stood up, pulling the dirty leaves off of her and out of her hair. Her blue eyes looked around the jungle, she heard noises that would haunt her in her dreams. And some of them sounded like screams. In the middle there was a River, and she saw eyes in it. Suddenly, the eyes moved and she realized they were crocodiles. CJ moved away quickly, running into Peyton as she backed up.

"Welcome to Never Neverland!" He shouted, smiling.

"My dad had this place magicked like Neverland." He stated.

"This is what Neverland looks like?" CJ questioned, looking around in horror. "Ugh! It's just as pitiful as my father described it to be! This is worse then the Isle!"

"What?" Peyton questioned, a little confused as to why she thought it was disgusting. "Wait hold on, what do you see right now?"

"Dead trees, a swamp filled with disgusting Crocs, and it smells worse than a troll." She stated, taking her hook and swinging it into some branches. They cut, and she cleared the path for them.

"Neverland is whatever you dream it to be. Obviously your imagination is clouded by your dad's opinions." Pey stated, and at this CJ turned around and looked at him with a really face. Not truly believing this overgrown pile of weeds was magic at all.

"Here." Pey stepped close to her, and put his hands over her eyes.

"And did I give you permission to touch me?" CJ stated, placing her hook to her side and folding her arms across her chest.

"Oh stop it," He started, "Now, imagine. You are surrounded by the tallest trees in the world, they are green and lush and beautiful. There are so many exotic birds soaring over you, and there's a waterfall by the cliff side. Imagine the most beautiful thing you've ever seen and then open your eyes."

Pey removed his hands from her face, and she kept them closed for a moment. Eventually, she opened them to see the most beautiful thing in the world. Neverland. Her mind had thought of the things he said, and her heart brought to life the rest. It was extraordinary. And this time, there were no crocs in the pond. Just beautiful, multicolored flamingos. And a waterfall, with multiple paths leading every which way.

"I-" She mumbled, not truly knowing what she was trying to say.

"You see it now?" Peyton asked.

"Woah!" CJ shouted.

"Yeah I know-"

"No! Not that, this!" She stated, looking down at her body. The clothes she was wearing were like Indian clothes. "Where did my clothes go?"

"Don't worry, Sea Lily." He laughed, she looked over at him and his clothes were different though. He too looked like an Indian of some sort. "Your clothes are normal they just look different in here, and dang chica you look like my mom." He laughed.

She nodded her head as she gulped, but suddenly, a fairy swooped down and in front of her face. "Agh!" CJ yelped, reaching out and trying to catch the dreadful creature. "Come here you pathetic fairy!"

Pey grabbed ahold of her arms and forced them down to her sides, "No! You can't hurt her." He stated.

CJ looked at the fairy with narrowed eyes, and the fairy looked at her with the same expression. Enemies already. The fairy had dark hair, almost dark blue hair. With a blue little flowery outfit, and pale skin.

"This is Jesly, she's a fairy but she was kicked off of Neverland. Now, she lives here." The boy stated.

"Kicked off?" She questioned, "For what?"

Suddenly, the fairy began to speak. To them it just sounded like little bells and humming, but CJ could actually understand the fairy. "You tried to steal treasure from Pan?" The pirate girl questioned back to the small person with wings. The fairy shook her head up and down.

"I like you." CJ stated bluntly, "Frenemies?" The girl held her finger out, and the fairy came and sat down on it. CJ quickly flung her finger so the fairy went flying. The fairy shook herself off and grunted, going down to Perry and laying on his soft head as he walked.

"You know how to speak Fairy?" Pey asked.

"Of course, all the Hook kids do. Father thought it was a necessity. I just never thought it would actually come in handy."

"Same here." Peyton stated, looking at CJ as she looked at him. The two smiled at each other, just for a moment, before CJ looked away.


first one, I was watching What's My Name again and I noticed the little blond chica. and I know she isn't CJ, most probably, but wouldn't it be so cool if it was? like that would explain why the blond girl always sticks around the three trio, and how she didn't go down on the ground like everyone else. I'm just saying that would be a pretty cool little secret.


I'm going to update every time I have 20+ reads on a chapter. For this short story, I haven't finished it yet, and you guys are reading it so fast (not complaining I love you all) that I don't have time to write more. I also have so much to write for this story, so don't hate me if some chapters aren't like my usual chapters.

At this point I'm just trying to get to the ending, cause that's when you'll be like oh dang.

NEXT THING, if you see a grammatical error please tell me! I have not had time to edit these past few chapters, and help is appreciated ;)



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