It's Going Down - Part 8

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"Capt'n!" A pirate called out as two of them fumbled up through the doors of his Captain's Quarters. They both stopped a few feet away from him, and he raised an eyebrow while drawing something down on a paper.

Mr. Smee was standing in the corner, waiting for him to need something. But he couldn't help himself from coughing, he had gotten a cold a few weeks ago and couldn't seem to shake it. Ever since then, he'd cough and cough and cough, and it seemed to be getting worse.

"Ya tell him!" One pirate said to the other, as he pushed his shoulder.

"I ain't tellin' him! It was ye's fault!" The other one said.

Captain Hook looked annoyed and shot Smee a glance. The older man moved from his place in the corner and to the pirates, "Now now, mateys, what seems to be the trouble?" He coughed his words.

"Oi! There's trouble alright!" One stated, pointing towards the other pirate, "Him!"

"Nah! Ye are the one who lost the Capt'ns daughter!"

They both began to hit each other with fists, and the Captain thought. How is it that my crew behaves worse than my children?

"Enough!" Captain Hook shouted, making everyone hush up. Except for Smee, who couldn't help coughing as stumbled back to his corner of the room.

"What is this talk about, loosing my daughter?" He questioned his mates, more like thugs with pirate hats on.

"He did it!" Both the pirates said at the same time, their fingers pointing at each other.

"Explain." The Captain demanded, leaning back in his chair.

They both looked at each other, and one took off his hat as the other fiddled with his fingers. "Well uh-" One started, before the other finished. "She came back from Havoc Shores after train'n, and then she snuck out again an hour later or someth'n."

"And that's how he lost her." The other one mumbled.

"I lost her! Pshh! Ye-"

Captain Hook slammed his hook down on the table beneath him, making his men's eyes widen as they stopped talking.

"Did you see where she was headed?" The Captain asked.

"Nah uh." One muttered.

"Um, Captain?" Smee mumbled, raising his hand in the corner, trying to get Hooks attention. But failing.

"Last we saw, she was talk'n to Damian, ya know Salts Boy from Havoc Shores. He came in carrying her hook and a fancy sword, she sure was happy when he gave them to her."

"Captain, sir?" Smee tried again.

At this, the Captain got up from his chair and marched over to the chest in the corner of the room. He opened it up with a fury and disbelief. Only to find, that CJ's Hook and Sword were indeed gone.

"Dammit!" He shouted, closing up the chest with a bang.

"Captain!" Smee coughed, raising his voice just a tad but not too much.

"What is it now, Smee!?" Captain Hook shouted, looking at the older man with a craziness in his eyes.

"I think I might know where your daughter is headed..." The man whispered, "She and I had a little discussion this morning, when I went to get some things at the shop. She was talking about going to the Forbidden Corsets, or something like that?"

The Captain looked at his mate with curiosity. What on Earth was the Forbidden Corset? Ah, oh wait. It was the Forbidden Forests.

"Forests, you fool!" He muttered, before walking up to his men and forcefully banging their heads together in anger.

"If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself!" The Captain marched out of his quarters, to begin the hunt for his daughter.

"Oh dear..." Mr. Smee mumbled.

"SMEE!" James shouted at the man who was straggling behind him.

"Coming, Captain!" The older man mumbled, coughing his way behind his Captain Hook.

"Quit that coughing! Or I'll stitch your mouth up, Smee!"

The other pirate nodded, closing his mouth tight as he tried not to cough. Running to keep up with the Captain who was marching away furiously.

It was time to go treasure hunting. In a way.

Guys ready, I came up with two new characters for Wild Things and they are so cool and sick and yet completely wicked and deceitful! Morgan and Megan, the twins of Morgana!!!! They are also Uma's cousins, and are mentioned in the books but not given names so I gave them names LOL

I love them so much I think I'm going to find a few to incorporate them into this book maybe, if I can! They freak everybody out and make twin telepathy real. They talk at the same time, some times, and they usually continue each other's sentences. But the creepy thing about them is, they are loyal to whoever the highest bidder is. And they go around selling information. This is like the most common thing you'll here them say all the time.

Morgan: We have information we'd like to give you-

Megan: For a price of course.

I know it doesn't seem like the most impressive thing in the world, but you guys are gonna hate/love them so much it's gonna be awesome. Uma's going to be in the next book, along with Mal again and maybe the other important characters. I haven't decided yet, but I'm excited!!!!!!!!!!

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