It's Going Down - Part 3

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CJ was walking back through the forest, no hook, no sword. And an ice pack on her face. She was alone now, and the morning fog had begun to clear up a bit. Which was a sign that she should be headed back home soon. Before her time was up.

But, the one thing she didn't plan for. The one thing she didn't want to have to plan for.

Was Sammy Smee.

"What are you doing?" Sammy startled CJ, his hands were crossed against his chest as sat nearby on a tree stump.

"Going home, stop following me or else-"

"Or else what? You're going to hook me again?" Sammy murmured, having an attitude in his voice. The few stitches on his arm told the whole story.

CJ looked at him a little startled, he was different. Apparently, everything was changing. And maybe, it was a little too much change.

"I thought I told you to stay away from me, Sammy." CJ stated, ignoring him as she continued to walk forwards on the trail to her destination.

Sammy got up from the stump and followed her, pushing brush from nearby trees out of his way. While CJ, being very much shorter, simply ducked underneath the branches.

"CJ." Sammy started, "I heard you talking with Harriet, and even though your family might be blind to your little tricks, I'm not."

CJ turned around with her arms across her chest. And, if she was being completely honest with herself. It was hard for her to look at him, and she wanted to apologize for the way she acted.

But Hooks, never apologized.

"Oh so now you're spying on me?" She asked, anger hinted in her voice.

"More of ease dropping." Sammy stated, and CJ turned around and kept walking through the thick brush. Grunting in anger. "Listen, I know you don't want me in your life, but I just need to say something-"

"You're right, Smee. I don't want you in my life, you don't get to say anything. F*** off!"

CJ waved her hand in the air and told him off with her one middle finger as she talked and walked. But she was surprised when Sammy grabbed ahold of her hand that she held in the air and spun her around to face him, forcefully. And when he did, they were very close. Very close indeed.

"I don't want you to get hurt." Sammy stated, gripping her hand in his as he kept her close to him. Not allowing her to pull away. Their bodies touched, and for a second CJ got lost in the cloudy grey of his eyes. And she could feel his warm breath on her cold skin. Only for a second though, nothing more nothing less.

"I can take care of myself." CJ stated, tearing her hand away from his as she accidentally dropped the ice pack in her other hand.

"Really?" Sammy questioned, picking it up and handing it back to her. "Cause this, proves otherwise."

CJ took it from him with an irritated growl, throwing her hands in the air as she turned away again. Continuing down the path as Sammy followed after her. Again.

"CJ, whatever you are trying to do, you need to stop! There's already so much chaos going on, you're just going to get yourself into more trouble. And I don't want to see you get hurt!"

CJ shouted back at him, "Good thing you're not apart of my life, you don't have to see anything!"

Sammy grunted, rolling his eyes. Man, Hooks were hard to deal with. How had his father done it all these years?

CJ soon turned on the trail and disappeared into the foggy woods. Her blue eyes looked around behind her, finally she had lost him.


As soon as she turned around. He was there. With his idiotic smirk across his face as he looked down at CJ. She jumped slightly, grabbing her chest with her free hand as she did.

"You don't have to prove yourself, CJ. You don't have to do this."

And again he had proven, he knew her better than she knew herself.

"I can do whatever I want! I'm the daughter of Captain James Hook! And you- you're just the son of a crummy pirate who doesn't know North from South!"

At this comment, Sammy clenched his teeth together. Anger rising in him along with other mixed emotions. But, that anger seemed to disappear when he saw her hand on her chest. And it was covering up something golden, something familiar to him.

"What is that?" He questioned, and CJ raised her eyes wide and tried to walk passed him.

Sammy wrapped his arms around her and lifted her up off her feet, setting her back down in front of him...

YAY SAMMY AND CJ TALKING AGAIN! sure they aren't the best words, BUT STILL!!!! #CAMMY

honestly we have created too many hashtags my friends


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