The End - Part 4

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"Calista Jane Hook!" Her father's voice boomed throughout the seas of people. The Captains feet stomped along the ground, as the people cleared and made a path for him. Everyone grew quiet, very fast, as he made his way.

Harry and Harriet's eyes widened along with Sammy's, they had no idea how The Captain was going to react. He had been depressed about her death for months, but now he seemed angry. His body looked mad, but his face held no reaction. Like a body without a soul. But it was obvious he had been drinking.

CJ however, smiled wide. Because finally, she would prove herself to her father. She would earn her right to say that she was a hook. And earn the hook that hung on her golden buckle. Finally, after fifteen years, she had her dream. A ship. She had her revenge, Pans Treasure. And so much more, even though she didn't have a crew, she was a Captain. She was, CJ Hook. And she had proven herself.

The girl ran forwards to the front of the ship where her dad would have to enter the Sea Lily. She stood up proudly, putting her fists on her side. Her father looked at her, with his eyebrows raised. Hook walked forwards slowly, and twirled his mustache on his hook.

CJ didn't say anything, she was waiting for her father to say it. How proud he was of her. How did she do it. And how she truly was his daughter.

The Captain looked over to the three kids aboard, Sammy, Harriet, and Harry. He nodded his head, telling the three to exit. And they listened, even though at the moment, non of them wanted to leave CJ's side. Harry never wanted to take his eyes off of his sister again.

They all listened and ran towards the front of the large boat, swinging swiftly off of the ropes and on to the docks as pirates made way for them.

That's when Hook looked around to see the chest, that treasure chest. Secured, on the mast of his daughters ship. And not his own.

CJ smiled, waiting for her praise. But instead, she received an unexpected metal rotten hook of her father's to her face.

"You worthless little brat!" He shouted at her. CJ grabbed the side of her face. She didn't understand.

Anger quickly raised within her as she starred up at this angry man. Why had she risked her life to prove herself to someone who didn't even care about her? He hadn't even embraced her, or smiled at her? All he did, was come on her ship and hit her. Why?

"What are you talking about!" CJ shouted, and actually shouted, without regret. "I went to Auradon! I got my own ship! I lied and manipulated people and stole things! I stole Peter Pans treasure!"


The Captain clenched his hand together. His hook getting ready to raise again and hit the young girl at the next sign of her attitude towards him. And again, like always, Captain Hook had that crazed look in his eyes. A look, CJ knew all too well. But this time, she had those same eyes.

"IT BELONGS TO ME!" CJ shouted, stepping forwards towards her father. She looked him dead in the eyes as she spoke, spitting on his face with anger.

The Captain raised his hooked hand without warning. But this time, CJ was prepared. CJ was ready.

His daughter grabbed his hook, pulling him forwards as she moved behind him and pulled out her sword. A distinct move, saying she wanted to fight.

The Captain was dumbfounded as to what had just happened as he turned around. But when he turned around, and tried to grab his sword. CJ ran forwards, kicking the old man in to the chest as he stumbled back. Hitting his head against the mast.

But before CJ could continue, two of her fathers men came and grabbed her from behind. Pulling her down and off the ship, her ship.

"What's happening?" Harry questioned with worry, afraid that he would yet again loose his baby sister after her just returning.

"I don't know." Harriet muttered, the same amount of worry heard in her voice too.

CJ was pulled off her own boat, kicking and screaming. Her enchanted sword had fallen on the deck, and Captain Hook picked it up and with a chuckle. Holding it in his hand as he went and cut the ropes, undoing the chains of the chest.

"Boys!" He shouted down to his men in the crowds, as CJ was being held back by his others. "Take my treasure to my ship! NOW! And bring me some gasoline!"


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