It's Going Down - Part 5

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It was early in the morning, well not as early as it had been when CJ came around. And Harriet, Jakko, Vitani, and Damian were near the docks in Hooks Inlet. She knew her father's daily excursions very well, and right now he was having his morning tea aboard his ship. So they were waiting until he left. Harriet had brought along Damian for some muscle, even though she didn't need it. And Vitani, because of her excellent tracking capabilities.

Not only could she smell animals, she could smell people. Like really smell people. So she'd be able to find where CJ's stuff was stored away inside the cabin, with her nose.

And Jakko, well, he had been brought along because he was causing trouble back at camp. He wasn't the brightest, being a little mentally unstable. Harriet didn't want to leave the burden of watching him to someone else, and knew he wouldn't be capable of sitting still in a corner. So she simply brought him along, he'd be able to keep look out in case her father came back. Hopefully.

"Why are we doing this again?" Damian questioned, leaning against the wall they were hiding behind.

"We got paid." Was Harriet's basic response.

"But why are we waisting our time doing this, when we could be rescuing Cyn!" Damian raised his voice, a little too much as Harriet turned to face him with an evil glare.

He put his hands up in surrender and she looked away with a smirk. "Because I say so."

Vitani chewed on a piece of bubble gum silently, squatting down against the wall. Jakko, was watching her intently. And every time she popped the gum, he would laugh like a child.

"Okay let's go." Harriet mumbled, seeing her father and Smee exit the boat along with a few other men.

"Remember," Harriet started, "If anyone asks what we're doing here, tell them we're simply running errands for Captain Hook. If they are smarter than most of the men on this ship, then I'll handle them."

Damian and Vitani nodded as they moved from the wall and followed Harriet down to the docks. "Jakko, stay here, whistle if my father comes back, understood?"

Jakko saluted his Captain like a soldier would, "Aye Aye Captain!" He shouted, a little too loudly.

All three of them put their fingers to their mouth and shushed him. He cowered a little bit with a giggle, "Oops sorry, Captain."

And Jakko stayed on the docks, keeping a look out for. Who was it again? Oh right, Captain Hook.

Harriet, Vitani, and Damian walked casually on board the vessel. They received a few glances from men, but as soon as they saw that it was Harriet Hook who had come aboard. They went right back to work, and ignored her.

She smirked at her power and walked right up to her father's Captains Quarters. Which was visible to everyone, so they'd have to work fast.

"Vitani?" Harriet questioned her, and the girl closed her eyes and took a deep breath through her nose.

She looked back at Harriet with her dark brown eyes, "Yep, both CJ's sword and hook are inside."

Damian looked at her with a disgusted face. "I still have no idea what type of magic that is, but it's sinfully creepy."

Vitani looked at him like he was the dumbest person on the planet. "That's because it's not magic, you idiot."

"Play nice now." Harriet reminded them, not wanted the two to start a fist fight aboard her father's boat. That definitely would draw some attention to the three.

She looked at the door, which had a lock on the front. That was new, but probably needed after CJ had pranked Captain Hook. Harriet still had no idea how she got away with it, but she did.

"Locks." She demanded, holding out her hand behind her. Damian handed her a small box with a bunch of items they use to pick lock many things.

And thankfully, she found one that worked.

The door opened and the three Havocs shuffled inside. Harriet quickly closed the door behind them, giving the box back to Damian. "Alright, let's get it, then get lost." He muttered.

Vitani sniffed the air again, before running over to a chest in the corner of the room. Which was odd. Harriet knew that her father only kept his most valuable possessions in that box. Why would he be keeping CJ's things there? Unless, they too were more valuable than she had thought.

Harriet walked over to the chest, which had a new lock on it as well.

"Here." Damian was already prepared, as he handed her a contraptions that looked like it would fit nicely.

Harriet took it, and opened the chest quickly. And for sure, there was CJ's hook and her sword. And man, that sword was beautiful.

She took it out and held it in her hands, it glistened in the light. But, there was something about this sword that was different. It seemed almost, magical. But she remembered her sisters warnings, and thankfully, didn't touch the tip.

Harriet picked up her sisters hook and stuffed it inside her black jacket. Taking the sword and slipping it alongside hers on her back. She then went to close the chest, before something gold inside the box got her attention. And glistened across her blue eyes, it was shinny.

It was a map.

Little Background on Vitani who is one of my favorite Havocs, by the power of magic she was turned into a human before her and her father were put on the Isle of the Lost, so yes, her father is still a lion. But Vitani can also communicate with animals and has super human abilities ;)

She's pretty sick

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