Aftermath - ENDING

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It had been about a month since the death of CJ Hook. And life went on, even though life would never be the same with the smile of Calista Jane Hook in the world.

The dark sky seemed to be darker. The street lights were dimmed. And the food tasted, more tasteless than usual. The world had lost its meaning for the Hook family, and the ones that had loved CJ too.

Captain Hook had gone into a deep depression. He hadn't stepped out on to his boat and had his morning tea for weeks, he hadn't been on his boat at all. In fact, he had been staying inside his room. And only Smee would bring him things when needed. But he was drunk every day, as an attempt to drown his sorrows. Which would never work.

Harriet Hook had tried her best to move on. She distracted herself with work such as rebuilding the Havoc Tower. And over the many weeks, she'd be up day and night, barely ever sleeping. As she just tried distraction after distraction, to distract her heart from ever missing CJ. But she'd forever be missing her.

Harry Hook was still Captain of the Lost Revenge crew. There had been no word of Uma, and she had not returned. But, a few goblins had supposedly seen her off the coast. He had taken his position as Captain very seriously. But, instead of using his position as a distraction. He embraced CJ's death to run things like his little sister would. In her honor. And, he had gone up back to that place where she had died. Taking with him a small boat in a bottle, and placing it on the rock with their initials on it. In memory of her. Because he knew how much she always wanted a boat. Some days were good, and some days were bad. But, he was trying his best to move forwards without her. Which would be something he'd never truly be able to do.

Sammy Smee however, was a different story. His father had been sick for a while, and was expected to pass within the next year. So he was taking care of him and helping him with the wardrobe for his own little shop and things like that. Also Sammy was working on some outfits for Harriet and other Havocs. Every day, he'd talk to himself. As if he was talking to CJ, about what he did that day. It kept him from missing her, and the realization that she was gone had not completely hit him yet. But one thing he had, was guilt. Because he thought, maybe if I had been there, maybe if I had stopped her from leaving, she'd still be alive. But he tried not to fill his head with such thoughts.

Currently, Sammy Smee was sitting down at a table inside his house. In the kitchen, while sowing something red together. His father was asleep on the couch, and Sammy would look over ever so often to make sure he was still okay. He hummed a little tune, as he sowed.

Good thing that not all the light had been taken out of him, he still had a good and pure heart. A heart that would forever belong to CJ Hook.

Then suddenly, he heard a noise come from down the hall.

He stopped and listened, and the noise kind of sounded like, a hook on a wall. Sammy's eyes furrowed as he quietly moved up from his place on the chair. "Hello?" He questioned out, grabbing the sword on the kitchen counter.

Break ins on the Isle of the Lost were a common thing. A very common thing. If you didn't lock your windows or doors, and didn't have a villain who was high and mighty as your parent, you were the target. And Sammy's dad, was Mr. Smee. It was definitely more likely that someone would be breaking into their house, instead of Captain Hooks.

He moved down the hallway, but the noise had gone away. But quickly, his eyes turned to the door that was swinging back and forth. Someone had just ran through it.

"Hey!" Sammy shouted, running into the room with his sword as he pointed it swiftly at the intruder. But, there was no one there.

He looked around the room, which was the one where his father and him kept their many inventions of clothing and things. Nothing looked to be touched, and when Sammy opened up the closet, all the clothes were there.

The breeze came through the open window, blowing through the room and giving Sammy chills. Someone had definitely been in here. He ran over to the window quickly, shutting it and locking it up tight.

As he turned his head back around, he realized that one specific outfit. Was missing from the rack. What had originally held on the hangers was a golden colored coat and outfit for a Captain, but now it was gone. Sammy rolled his eyes, marching over to the closet and making sure nothing else was taken.

That was before his father called out his name, and needed something. Sammy went back into the living room, closing the closet.

But what he failed to see, was the scratched carving in the brown wooden closet door. It looked like a hook, with a J going down through it. And, if you were really paying attention. Really.

You would see the initials, CJ.


This is sorta what the carving looks like, but the C more looks like a Hook's Hook ;)

And yes I understand that this one was super short, and the next one will be too, but it'll be awesome and the book is almost over and the ending is gonna hurt and shock you so much so much so much

I'm almost done writing My Love, I'm working on the last part of that right now. But I am on vacation, so if anything, I'll only be posting one 500 word part every day. Sorry guys!

But after My Love, is The End and that's the official ending of this book! It's going to be super happy and then super sad and then super shocking and you're not gonna know how to feel afterwards

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