It's Going Down - Part 7

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"We'll enter from the East side of Havoc Shores, knowing my sister she'll try and bring the fight to us. But we'll bring it to her before she has the chance." Harry stated, talking over his plans of victory with his new crew. "We ride with the tide! Eh?" And they cheered and chanted in excitement.

Which slowly came to a stop as Gil came back aboard and walked by, holding a bunch of ropes and things. He smiled and waved at the group of pirates, "Hey guys!" Gil shouted, before dropping everything he was holding after lifting up his hand to wave hello.

Harry nodded for a few of his crew to help his mate, and they walked over to Gil. The son of Gaston came up to Harry with a smile, "I got everything you asked for! Oh and CJ wanted me to tell you that this whole thing is a terrible idea and you should stop before you get your a** kicked."

Harry smiled, "Amazing how you can remember all that, but when I asked for you to order Gunk you forget every time."

Gil began walking with Harry as he strolled around the deck, shouting orders. He was taking this position as a Captain very seriously, and we'll, he was incredibly suited for the role.

"Well to be honest, I don't like Gunk, so it probably just slips right through my ears or something." Gil stated back before someone called his name and he ran off.

That's when a pirate came towards Harry, a new boy, who Harry had recently brought aboard after the death of a few of his mateys. When Mal and a few of her little friends thought it would be good to throw some of the crew into water. They all knew very well that VK's weren't the best swimmers. Just another reason to hate them.

"Captain?" The younger lad questioned him, his head hanging low a bit. It was obvious he didn't have much confidence.

Harry smiled and twirled the hook that he always held in his hand. He liked the sound of that, Captain.

"Yes, boy?" Harry asked, looking at the younger kid reminded him of himself. The scruffy brown hair, and blue eyes and. Well, that was about it.

"Your father, Captain Hook, came aboard earlier and left something in your cabin. He told me to tell you." The boy stated a little shyly.

Harry squinted his eyes together and titled his head, looking at the young boy with a face of concern.

"Now that just won't do." He said, and the boy looked up with wide eyes as if he had done something wrong.

Harry grabbed his shoulders and straightened out his back. "If you are going to be apart of my crew, you must hold yourself like a pirate boy! No slouching, no mumbling. When you speak, speak with authority! When you walk, walk with pride! You are a pirate aren't you?" He questioned the young boy, a smile spread wide across his face.

"Yes sir." The boy said, but his eyes looked around the ground instead of at Harry.

"My boy!" Harry shouted, "You must look straight at your victims! Especially when you're about to kill!"

The young boy gulped, "Kill?"

Harry frowned, "Have you never killed someone before?"

The boy shook his head no, looking Harry in the eyes. "Haha, well my boy, all that will change very soon!" Harry slapped the boys back gently, and he smiled awkwardly.

Gil walked by, overhearing Harry's conversation with the young boy. "You sound just like your dad!" He said with a smile.

Harry leaned forwards and bowed like his father would, "Thank you thank you!"

The boy looked at Harry and then Gil, laughing a bit awkwardly. He wasn't exactly sure what to do in this situation, but his sister and father were pirates, which is why he joined Umas- Harry Hooks crew when he got the chance.

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