WAR - Part 11

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The youngest Hook stomped her way towards Uma's- her brother's ship. She raced forwards, her hook in her hand as she carried it on board. CJ didn't even ask to come aboard, she made herself aboard.

"Hey!" A pirate shouted at her, swinging his sword as it collided with her hook. CJ wasn't in the mood to deal with a wanna-be-pirate right now.

CJ pushed him away with her hook as he stumbled backwards. Not expecting the little Hook to have such muscle."Give it a rest Gonzo! You work with Goblins!"

He frowned and stumbled off, it's not like he could kick the daughter of Captain Hook off the ship anyways. CJ ran forwards, knowing this ship up and down. Before her father had given it away in some stupid race, her and her siblings would 'play pirate's'. She went on the top level, where a small cabin was hidden underneath the poop deck. Ha, poop deck. Her pale hands banged on the door in a rage, "HARRY HOOK COME OUT HERE RIGHT NOW!"

She could hear her brother laughing from inside, but no footsteps of him coming out. CJ moved backwards a few feet, running forwards and trying to break down the door. The whole crew on the deck laughed at her as she fell down on to the brown rotting wood beneath her. The door remained shut.

CJ had accidentally dropped her hook as she fell. And the door flung open with Harry standing over his sister. She heard Desiree say, "It wasn't locked you moron!" And CJ shot her a nasty glare from her place on the ground.

"Maybe next time you should try opening it with the door handle, eh?" Harry chuckled down to his sister, before he kicked up her hook into his hands with his leather boots. CJ grunted and pushed her hands behind her and in front of her shoulders. She pushed one of her legs up and kicked him in the crotch. Yeah that's right, the no no zone.

And in one swift movement she jumped to her feet with style, ripping the hook from his hand as he toppled backwards in pain.

CJ was mad, and you didn't make a Hook mad. But the problem was, Harry was also a Hook. And boy, if he wasn't upset before he sure was now. The last time CJ had done that, she got way more than just a cut on her neck.

"HA HA!" Gil laughed as he came above deck, seeing the sight. But everyone else who had witnessed it did not laugh at the humiliation of their Captain.

"How could y-" CJ couldn't even finish the words because her brother grabbed her hair and pulled her inside the cabin. He turned slightly, kicking the door closed with such force it seemed to rock the boat back and forth.

"Nice knowing you, CJ!" Gil called out as others on the ship laughed.

Inside, CJ tried to pull her brothers hand away from her hair which was a very delicate thing to her. "Why does everyone grab my hair!" She whined, but truly it was probably because she was so short that her hair was the first available thing to grab for her attacker.

Harry threw her against the wall, and CJ ducked out of the way of his oncoming sword. It flew in the air, and CJ ducked as it stuck it's tip into the wood above her.

Perhaps she shouldn't have kicked her brother in the you know where.

Harry came forwards, throwing his hook towards her. But CJ. Something in her, told her to fight back. Which was unusual, because every time she had ever tried to fight her siblings would usually end with her demise. Now other people she'd fight and win, not her siblings. But still, she needed to fight. She wanted to fight. CJ wasn't the scared little runaway girl from the Isle anymore. And she wasn't the villain kid hideaway from Auradon either. She was just, different. That had definitely been discovered when she had to nerve to even touch her father's hooked hand.

CJ raised the hook in her hand as it collided with Harry's before it could scratch into her face. Harry laughed as it came closer and closer to her, but CJ pushed back. The girl used his weight against her for her victory. She leaned against the wall, she was being pushed against, and kicked both her legs forwards into her brothers stomach.

Harry slid across the wood. But instead of continuing to attack. He looked at CJ, his eyes wide and anger across his face. What was happening?

CJ grabbed the sword in the wood above her and pulled it out of the wall. And with one hand she told Harry to try, to step forwards, to come at her. She dared him. A smile was along her face as she flipped the sword around in her hand.

Harry jumped forwards, dodging her swing as he hit the side of her face with his hook. CJ however, bounced back quickly. And as he hit her, she swung the sword and cut into his open chest. His already torn crocodile skinned shirt cut open again, and the sword scratched across his skin just enough to give him a scar.

"Payback." CJ winked.

Harry grunted, grabbing a contraction on a nearby table and throwing it at his sister. CJ ducked to the side with a laugh, but when she looked back at Harry he was coming right up to her. She swung the sword but he hit it out of his hand with his hook. CJ raised her hook, and his collided with hers as he laughed manically. They stood there, pushing on each other. But Harry was stronger than CJ, and began pushing her back into the corner of the room.

Her eyes widened, she was officially screwed now.


This is the official book cover for HA HA! and it will be put up when the book is over! So once you see this cover on my story, you know it's done 🤧 BUT HOW DO YOU GUYS LIKE THIS COVER CAUSE I THINK IT LOOKS PRETTY SICK

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This is the official book cover for HA HA! and it will be put up when the book is over! So once you see this cover on my story, you know it's done 🤧 BUT HOW DO YOU GUYS LIKE THIS COVER CAUSE I THINK IT LOOKS PRETTY SICK

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