WAR - Part 5

447 17 42

^ contains violence

Harry laughed one of his high pitched laughs as Harriet gulped, moving her sword away from Harry's throat. "Let her go, Harry."

"Yay! Now I get to say my deal! You can get the girl but I get your territory!" Harry stated, as one of the men with Cyn held a knife to her little  throat as she kicked and squirmed.

Cyn looked at Dick with pleading eyes, she trusted him. He gritted his teeth together and looked at Harry with such anger, "If she dies, you die." The young boy spat.

"Aw, that's cute!" Harry smiled, turning his attention back to Harriet. She was looking at Cyn, and gave her the face that told her to stay put. Cyn knew how to get free, but if she did, they weren't in a very good situation at the moment.

"Ya are probably wondering how I got in to your little club house, huh?" Harry questioned his older sister with glee. And Harriet rolled her eyes, a"THAT'S THE BEST PART!"

Then yet another, stepped out from the shadows of the dark. And at this face, Harriet wanted to kill. It was Echo, an outcast of the Havoc gang for betraying them the first time. Which was a story for another time. Echo was a slim girl, with brown hair, and a face of revenge.

"Echo!" Vitani shouted, and the tension only rose between the two groups of pirates.

"Havocs." Echo said with a serpents tongue, her arms across her chest.

"So we show you mercy and this is how you repay us!?" Damian shouted, as he tried his best to control his anger. His finger on the trigger. At this moment, he was very tempted to raise his gun towards her head and pull the trigger.

Echo raised her head high with a smirk across her face. "Harry." Harriet whispered, "She'll betray you, just as she did us."

The boy laughed and threw his hook to Echo for her to hold, and he clapped his hands together. "Oh I know, I just needed her to get to you and she was happy to oblige!"

Harriet held back her bitterness, controlling her anger as she swung her sword over her shoulder to rest there. "Why are you doing this?"

Harry clicked his tongue and spun around in a circle, pulling out his sword as he did. "I already told you sister, there can only be one Captain Hook, and that will be me."

Steven spoke up from the back, throwing up his hand to start speaking. As if they were in a classroom. But this place was very different then a class room. "Well actually, the real Captain Hook is-"

Both Harriet and Harry looked at him with a face of annoyance. They both knew he was talking about Captain James Hook, but they didn't care. Steven quickly stopped talking and stepped back into the small circle.

"Besides Harriet, if and when Uma returns, I will have doubled our territory size for her."

Harriet reached over to her brother and grabbed his arm, pulling him closer to her. When she did this, everyone around them raised their swords. Harry didn't give the signal to attack yet, and neither did Harriet. So everyone was ready to kill, but awaited their Captains words.

"We are family!" The pirate queen whispered to Harry, her teeth gritting together angrily.

"And that's why I haven't spilled your guts yet, sister." Harry smiled, and Harriet pushed him away from her.

"Betrayed by my own blood." She mumbled. And now it was time to put on her Captains hat, figuratively of course.

Harry stepped forwards, and swatted her Captains hat made out of crocodile skin off her head. And on to the ground with a laugh. Harriet quickly grabbed his arm with her hand, "Leave my territory now, and we will never speak of this again."

At least she warned him.

"HA HA!" Harry laughed, "Leave my territory now, and I'll let her live." The pirate boy said with an all too serious tone, his blue eyes darted from Cyn to Harriet.

The Pirate Queen looked over to the girl, and she bit her lip. Cyn had been struggling against the knife on her throat so much that it had already caused her neck to bleed. But, Harriet had to make a decision. What would my father do? She thought.

"No." Harriet stated, "I'm calling your bluff, brother. Or should I say, traitor."

The girl took a few steps forwards away from her crew, if they were about to fight between the groups. Harriet and Harry would go neck to neck. She would make sure of it.

"You are right." Harry Hook mumbled, before suddenly he looked up to the top of the tower. "Take her away, boys." He stated, and Cyn was dragged away in the dark. Dick jumped forwards, but was held back by Vitani and Mad.

Harriet held her sword, prepared. But her eyes trailed up to where her brother was looking. There were two pirate up at the top of the ten story tower. And they had just finished dumping bottles of gasoline across the buildings walls and on the top.

"OH HEY GIL!" Jakko shouted up to his pirate friend who was on the rooftop. And Gil smiled, waving back down to Jakko. Their stupidity made them friends, it seemed. But the difference between Jakko and Gil was that the son of Gaston, the son of no one was forced into his state of mind by life experiences.

Ash grabbed Jakkos ear and pulled him back to where the action was happening. There would be no talking to the enemy.

It was only seconds, before one pirate dropped a match and the roof bursted into flames. Which traveled down the sides of the building, as the two pirates raced to get to the ground before the flames caught them.

Him talking, it had all been a diversion. A distraction. Harry laughed as he grabbed his hook from Echo, and she laughed along with him.

"AGH!" Harriet shouted in a rage, jumping up with her sword as she collided with Harry's sword and hook. She pushed down on the sword, as Harry pushed up to block her attack. He nodded his head no, as her crew began to fight the other pirates. Damian jumped forwards and began to sword fight with Echo and shot off a few gun shots, all while watching his Captain carefully.

"Now now, sister." Harry started while holding her there, her sword inches away from his neck. "You can either fight me and my crew, or, you can save your kingdom. What's it gonna be?"

Harriet gulped, anger across her face. This was her kingdom. This was everything she had worked for. This tower she had built at the age of fifteen, this was her home. And he. Her brother. Was trying to take it from her.

Harriet pushed her brother away, "Hold!" She shouted to her crew, and Harry laughed while his crew began to leave. Unharmed. And taking one of her men. "Ya have two days time to hand over your territory! I'll be back at night fall! If you don't give up, I'll have no choice then to start a war! Oh, and I'll be keeping your little monkey for insurance purposes!"

Harriet shouted back at her brother as he disappeared through the dark thick layer of fog. "YOU STARTED THIS WAR WHEN YOU CAME ON TO MY LAND WITH A THREAT, BROTHER! MARK MY WORDS, YOU MAY HAVE STARTED IT BUT I WILL BE THE ONE TO FINISH IT!"

Harry laughed as they faded away in the dark of night, seemingly turning into trees as they moved away. Harriet turned around and started barking orders at her crew, "PUT OUT THAT FIRE NOW!" She shouted before looking at Cass, "Get those horses out before they burn!"

Harriet started walking back to the tower, but that wasn't her goal. Revenge was. She walked over to Damian, grabbing him before he could keep moving towards the fire. Her small fist wrapped around his shirt as she pulled his face down to her level. "Bring me echo, alive." She spat.

Why do you guys think Harry is doing this to his sister? Even though I wrote it, it hurts my heart 😩😩😩

The video above is so all of them it's awesome, THERE'S YOUR HAVOCS!!!!

Could you just imagine what would happen to Auradon if the Havocs got out of the barrier? I feel like Harriet would go out like in that one scene and be like, "WE'RE BACK, B******!!!"


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