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"What is going on?" He questioned, his hair had almost returned back into a normal color. But it was obvious that he had trimmed his other side of his mustache, so that it matched the one CJ had cut off. He wasn't as funny to laugh at now, he almost looked normal. Well, normal for a pirate of course.

Harry kept his hold of CJ's ear ring, being able to keep his finger in the loop of it. But they all froze and sat up straight, except for CJ who was trying to get away from her older brother but was being held down towards the ground by him.

"What has little Calista Jane done now? Hmm?" He asked as he walked towards his children slowly.

"I haven't done anything wrong, Father! These two incompetent scoundrels have-" CJ pleaded, before her words were cut off my Harriet's growl.

"TWO?" Harriet shouted, throwing her arms in to the air. "That is a lie! Go rot in Davey's Locker!"

Harry turned to Harriet, still keeping ahold of CJ. "Last time I checked, it takes two to start a War! And she," He turned his attention back to the Captain, "Father, killed one of my men!"

At this statement, Harriet folded her arms across her chest and kicked the backside of Harry's knee. Which made him stumble forwards, pulling down CJ with him. "Ow! Harry!" The youngest pirate whined as she grabbed his hand and tried to get him to let her go.

"I kill one of your men! Pshh! Another lie! Echo was a Havoc so if anything I killed my own man! You used her like bait on a hook! Like you even cared!"

Captain Hook watched as Harry and Harriet exchanged wicked comments back and forth. While Harry pulled on his sister's ear with each movement. And he was proud. His spawns were acting like, well, pirates. A father's dream. And, well again, that father's dreams.

"You are right! I didn't care! Because I don't care about low life Havocs like you!" Harry shouted.

"Oh please! We're all low lifes here! Take a look outside!" Harriet responded back.

"Harry! Stop it! You're hurting me!" CJ winced as Harry pulled her closer to him quickly.

"Oh what's wrong baby can't handle a little pain?" He shouted into her ear as he was almost pulling her off her feet by her ear now. Apparently, ear rings were a bad idea.

Harriet slapped the side of Harry's face, getting his attention again. "You, leave her out of this!"

The three continued on, shouting over each other. Everyone in the whole house would have been able to hear them. Actually, everyone in Hooks territory could hear them.

"ENOUGH!" Captain Hook finally spoke up over his children. And they quickly hushed up. He nodded for Harry to let CJ go, and he did.

The younger girl grabbed her ear and rubbed it, the hole in her ear now seemed to be twice as large. Hooks kids watched him as he placed his hand and hook behind his back and walked back and forth.

"Harriet." He said, causing Harry to roll his eyes. But thankfully, the Captain didn't get to chance to see it. "What are you all rambling about?" The evil pirate questioned.

Harriet was quick to answer, knowing exactly what she was going to say. "Harry and his crew came to my territory today, he brought Echo and kidnapped Cynthia! And then he threatened me and said he wants my territory! But it's mine! When I refused to give it to him, took Cyn away and burned my tower!"

The Captain nodded his head. Before walking down the line and looking at his son. "Is this true?" He questioned, and Harry nodded his head. "Yes father."

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