Sunsets - Part 12

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Sammy had returned with everything CJ had asked for, and told her that a crocodile would be at their disposal tonight. He had his connections.

Harry went to the front of the shop, the sun was beginning to set but the goons would still be watching and following. He smiled as he exited the shop, turning to them with a laugh. "Hiya!"

"Aren't you two supposed to be watching my sister?" He questioned, pulling out his hook as he played with it in his hands.

"We are." One commented, but that was before he looked through the broken window and realized that CJ was not there.

"Yeah well, she went out the back a few minutes ago, I think she was headed over to Dr. F's place." He commented before laughing a high pitched laugh, "You two had one job! My father is not going to be too happy."

One man frowned and began to plea with Harry, "Please don't tell him!"

Harry smirked, "Oh I won't but, he's still going to wonder where his daughter is."

The two men looked at each other, nodding for a moment before running off in a hurry. "We'll be back with CJ!"

Too easy.

Harry thought to himself, laughing as he tapped the broken window with his hook. CJ came out from behind the corner with a smile. He grabbed his hat and lent over to the side, bowing like his Father. That was before he shouted through the broken glass, "Have fun, don't get caught, and be wicked!"

CJ bowed back towards him, using her new hat as she did. Which made him crack an even bigger smile as he laughed away, disappearing.

"I still disagree with this entire idea." Sammy stated while coming out from his hiding spot.

"Shut up, Smee, it's gonna be fun!" CJ assured him, grabbing the bag of things he brought and heading for the back door. Now she just had to hope her father wasn't there.

The two went out on to the docks of the Inlet, walking aboard her father's ship. CJ had tied her hair up in a bun, and placed her hat over it. She had stolen Sammy's black Havoc jacket and wrapped it over herself, so just in case the crew was paying attention, they wouldn't recognize her. And Sammy, well he rarely did anything wrong so nobody paid much attention to him.

They snuck aboard the ship and down below deck, and the sun had gone down which allowed them to hide in the dark shadows. Once below deck, CJ pulled her hat off and looked at Sammy with concern. "Where's the croc?"

Sammy looked around the lower deck with a smile, he grabbed CJ's hand and led her down to the ocean jail house where her father would keep prisoners. "Hey Bill." She mumbled, waving to the only man that was trapped inside. He'd been down there forever.

He lead her down all the way to the end, where he then whistled. A man stepped out of the shadow, and since he was black and was wearing all black, he hadn't been seen at all. CJ jumped a bit, feeling hands go on to her shoulders and she yelped like a little dog. "Haha! Gotcha!" Shouted Dick, a boy from Harriet's crew.

Wells Slank, the other one of Harriet's crew, laughed and punched Dicks arm. "Nice." He stated.

"What are you two doing here?" CJ spat, and they both looked at her a bit offended.

"Yeesh princess, calm down, we got what you asked for." Dick stated, kicking the nearby cell as something hissed. Wells grabbed a lantern and held it up to the cage, and inside was a large and fearsome crocodile.

"Need any help?" Wells questioned with a wink as he leaned against the cage. But CJ knew better.

"Not from you." She scoffed, folding her arms across her chest.

"You look like you're from Havoc Shores with that getup." Dick mumbled, looking CJ up and down with a smirk. He moved his hand and went to touch CJ's face, she hit his hand out of the way. "I don't know why you don't wanna join our crew."

"Oh so I can be stuck underneath the deck and be told to clean everything and anything in sight? And then on top of that, take orders from my sister? Yeah no thanks I'll pass."

"Thanks guys." Sammy stated, trying to get them to leave, as Dick threw him the keys to the cell.

"Remember what you promised us." Wells stated, moving past the two as they exited.

CJ took the keys from Sammy and placed them in her black coat. She looked at him with a questionable face, "Whaddya promise them?"

Sammy shook his head, "You don't want to know." The boy laughed, and the crocodile growled. Sammy jumped backwards, scared of the beast in the cell.

CJ would have pried it out of him, but they had work to do...

just a little sneak peak of what Harriet's crew is kinda like, the video above is Dick and FYI, I didn't get to watch it cause it wouldn't load. But before I even went looking for it, In his description I wrote it says, "he puts the fun in dysfunctional" so I kinda freaked LOL

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