Aftermath - Part 3

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Harry looked around his room, it was normal. Well, normal as in reality. As in The Isle of the Lost. Sweat was rolling down his shirtless body and there were tears in his eyes, but he wouldn't let them fall from his eyes to his cheeks.

He quickly got up out of bed, just wearing some black soft pants and was bare footed. The Hook boy walked back and forth in his room in the house, running his hands through his brown hair.

It was all just a dream. A fantasy. A dream world where life was normal. A world that Harry would rather be in, because his sister was there. But it was like how he imagined Auradon to be, with a normal Family.

He turned for a moment, and leaned against the doorway. It felt like he couldn't breath. Like his heart had stopped, it had been like this for a few days.

Harry turned down the hall, stumbling from wall to wall. He could barely walk, or at least that's what he felt like. It had been three days since the death of Calista Jane Hook, three whole days. And Harry was trying to keep everything together, he was trying to hold it all in, but as the days went by he found it harder and harder. He hadn't mourned, he hadn't cried.

They didn't attack Havoc Shores, and the Havocs hadn't attacked them. They were just. Silent. Waiting. But Harry guessed that Harriet was in as much pain as he was.

The pirate boy walked down the hall, headed for the stairs. But in order to get down the stairs, he had to pass her room. His eyes couldn't help but look over to the cracked door, hook slashes were everywhere. His father had been here the night she had died, he destroyed her room. He had taken everything that could fit, and through it out the window. Letting it fall, crash, and break on to the ground below. The common street thugs quickly ran and took everything they could find.

Harry pushed the door open, looking inside. All that was left was her bed, even the blankets had been torn off of the bed. He looked around at the hooked walls, everything was destroyed. Even the golden hue on the walls seemed to be dimmed tonight. The breeze came through the shattered window, and pieces of glass were on the ground.

He didn't know what he was doing in there, but truth be told, he didn't know what he was doing at all. Harry sat down against the wall, running his hands through his hair. He turned his pale face towards the sky, as if to try and stop himself from crying. But memories flashed before his eyes, good memories, that now felt bad.


CJ ran through the door, she was ten almost eleven. And Harry was thirteen, almost fourteen. The little girl stomped into her room and sat down on the bed, folding her arms across her chest. Throwing one of her little temper tantrums.

Harry followed in after her, his hands in the air. "So this is what I get for helping you? A rotten spoiled little brat?"

CJ was quiet as she made her worst pissed off face and kept her eyes glued to the floor, "I didn't need your help! Harry!"

Harry walked over to her and slapped her face just a tad, which made her grab his hand in irritation. "Stop it!" She whined and he just laughed at his sister's attempt.

He grabbed on to her hand and forced her to slap herself, "Why are you hitting yourself, huh?"

CJ grunted and kicked him away with a whine, "I didn't need your help!" She repeated.

Harry scoffed, "Really cause from what I could see, those kids had you cornered."

He was referring to the incident after school today. Where he walked out to find his little sister being mugged and bullied by some little twerps. After telling them off, and threatening to tear them limb from limb, CJ ran home in a furry.

Harry sighed and walked over to her, kneeling down to her level. She had always been shorter than he was, always. He placed his hands on her knees and looked up at her with a smile.

"Where's my sister at, huh?" He questioned, flicking her chin with his fingers. "The CJ I know would never let anyone back her into a corner like that, where's your pirate spirit!"

CJ just looked away and folded her arms across her chest. "I dunno..." She mumbled, "There were a lot of them, I guess, I dunno, I got scared?"

Harry nodded his head and bit his bottom lip, trying to be understanding. "You know, it's okay to be afraid right?"

CJ looked at him with concern, as if he had gotten a fever or something. Because they were taught to never be afraid, to always be the one to make others afraid. Villainism 101.

She didn't say anything, and Harry still was there, being more kind then usual. "I get afraid sometimes too, CJ. And father, he was afraid of a lot of things! Like Tic Toc."

"But Father isn't afraid of Tic Toc anymore." CJ mumbled, the confusion still on her face.

"Because he overcame his fears, and now he scares Tic Toc! And one day, you'll overcome your fears too!" He reassured her. Her blue eyes looked down to the ground again, and he flicked her chin back up again to look her in the eyes.

"Really?" She questioned him, not believing what he was saying.

"Yes really! And you'll be the most feared pirate around! Well, after me of course!" Harry commented, as CJ pushed his shoulder with her hand and giggled softly.

He then stood up and brushed off his knees from where he had been sitting. "And until then, I'll be there for you anytime you are afraid. Always. And I won't let anything bad happen to you, I promise."


Harry kept the tears from his eyes as he remembered the memories. He remembered the promises. The promises he wasn't able to keep. He grabbed his thick brown hair and pulled at it, shouting in anger. Good thing shouting was normal in this household, because everyone in all of Hooks territory would have been able to hear his shout of pain.

"I'm sorry..." He mumbled out, "I'm so sorry!"

And that's when the let the tears fall down from his face, and Hooks never cried. Especially not a tough boy, a Captain, like him. But the pain was too much. The thought of never seeing his sister again was destroying him inside. If only he had just listened to his sister. If only he had never even started this stupid War. And finally, after three days of her being gone. He couldn't take it anymore. He cried for the first time in his whole life, ever.

Because he lost his treasure.

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