Sunsets - Part 9

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"Harry!" Sammy called out on the docks, looking up on to the ship, the Lost Revenge crew. He knew he couldn't come aboard unless given permission, that was just basic pirate knowledge. But, there was no response.

His eyes spotted Bonny as she walked along the edge of the ship. Sammy waved her down, getting her attention. "Where's Harry?!" Sammy shouted up at her, she didn't say anything. Instead she simply jumped down off the ledge, disappearing.

"Great." Sammy spat, throwing his hands up in annoyance. He went to turn around, going to look some place else.

"Well well well!"

Sammy rolled his eyes, hearing Harrys ever familiar crazed voice. The boy turned around, looking up at Harry. He was leaning over the edge, holding on with a rope. "If it isn't Little Sammy Smee!"

The younger boy shook his head, laughing a bit. "I'm only a year younger than you, Harry."

Harry chuckled slightly, looking back over his shoulder. "Come aboard!" He shouted, and Sammy took a step on the walkway, running to the ship before Harry would changed his mind.

Sammy came aboard, receiving glares and laughs from the other crew members. His grey eyes looked for Uma, they weren't the best of pals and if he was being honest with himself. He was scared of her. "Where's Uma?"

Harry jumped down off the side of the ship, scaring Sammy. He spun around, facing the pirate boy. "She's somewhere..." Harry mumbled, looking Sammy up and down. "Non of your business, what do you want?"

The younger boy gulped, "Your dad wants you, he sent me to go get you."

Harry looked at Sammy for a moment, his face being plain and unamused. He glared at Sammy for a second, before laughing loudly. "Sammy, we've been raised together lad, I know when ya are lying to me."

Sammy winced and made a face of pain, trying to not spill the beans about what CJ was planning. But, he couldn't. Especially since he thought it was a bad idea, but maybe Harry would be able to stop her.

"But I'm going to go down there anyways, so I guess ya are off the hook for now." Harry said, winking when he said hook. Sammy thought it was annoying, how obsessed Harry was with his hook. But he would never dare say anything.

Sammy sighed, smiling slightly. Harry patted him on the shoulder, pushing him to the side as he went to walk off the boat. "Come, walk with me home?"

The boy shook his head, "Nah, I got a list of stuff I've gotta pick up. Do you know where I can get some hair dye, splatter paint, some large scissors, and ugh- a crocodile?"

Harry laughed loudly, "Are you hanging out with my little sister again?"

Sammy gulped, knowing how Harry felt about him. Which he liked him, very much, they were like family. But when it came to CJ, Harry knew the younger boy liked her, and he didn't like that very much. Not at all.

All Sammy could do was smile awkwardly, before jumping to head off the boat. "Gotta go, bye!" But Harry was too quick, his hook clinged on to the back of Sammy's shirt, and he pulled him back. Harry smiled at the boy with evil, "I thought I told you to stay away from my sister!"

"Okay, but Harry, seriously c'mon? We've been friends ever since like, forever! She hardly even knows I exist and I-"

Harry pushed Sammy forwards, as he stumbled down the wood and off the boat. He looked down upon the Smee boy as he got up. "I don't care what ya have to say, boy, friends or not I won't be afraid to feed you to the sharks."

Sammy raised his hands in defense, backing away from the ship as Harry walked down. "Noted. Noted. Yes, of course, ha ha." He said nervously, "Good to see you too, Harry!" Sammy saluted him.

The pirate boy walked past Sammy, biting his teeth towards him with a laugh as he walked away. Sammy laughed nervously while watching him, "Did you rip off your sleeves, again?"

Harry looked back at him with a grin, before continuing on. Sammy didn't move off the docks until he was out of sight. He leaned over on his knees, breathing deeply. "That was a close one." He thought out loud...

Okay guys, let's have a little competition shall we?

So there's a character in Harriet's Havoc Gang that's name is Vitani. And using imagination and magic ;) try and guess who her father is? Btw, in a way she really is a true Descendants character and not an OC.

Whoever guesses correctly will get a shout out ;)

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