Anchored - Part 9

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CJ dropped her sword and pressed her hands against the table. She pushed herself up and on to her feet. "Agh!" She shouted, jumping as her sister came at her. The pirate girl landed on top of her sisters sword as she jumped down to the bench part of the table.

Her sister laughed and CJ cracked a smile. The older girl reached her hook up towards her sister, slashing it towards her. CJ grabbed the sword on the table and swung it towards her sister, but Harriet caught it in her own hook.

"So, what did ya do in Auradon?" Her sister questioned, and CJ ignored her. "Or better yet, what did you not do?"

"Shut it!" CJ shouted, jumping off the table seat and on to the ground.

They continued back and forth, and every time their swords clashed together sparks flew from the blades. CJ used her anger to fuel herself in her fight, still only being half awake. But her sister however, fought as if it was a breeze.

"Come now sister, tell me how badly you failed on that land!" Her sister shouted, and CJ pushed forwards. Harriet laughed as she mocked her, she didn't know what had happened while CJ was away, but she obviously knew how to get to her.

"Quiet!" CJ shouted, pulling her sword back and then forwards as Harriet ducked underneath her blade. The older girl caught CJ's blade with her hands, very skillfully so that it didn't cut her. She pulled CJ's sword forwards, making her sister stumble and let go.

"Don't fight with your anger so much that you can't fight." Harriet stated, throwing CJ's sword on to the ground in front of her feet.

CJ gritted her teeth together, swinging her hook forwards towards her sister. Yet, Harriet blocked it with her sword and pushed it down towards the ground. Twisting CJ's arm back as she did, the blond girl shouted angrily.

"What is wrong with you?" Harriet shouted, kicking CJ in the gut again. She tried to ignore her older sister, but she really couldn't. "Just because you failed doesn't mean you aren't a pirate, so start acting like one!"

CJ threw her hook on to the ground, turning away from Harriet. She didn't care what she would do to attack her, but she couldn't handle the comments. "YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT SO WHY DONT YOU JUST SHUT THAT PERFECT LITTLE MOUTH OF YOURS!"

Harriet was silent for a moment, again with the attitude, with the shouting. CJ turned around and there was a fire in her eyes that her sister had never seen before. "Did Harry tell you?!" She shouted, "Damn that Scallywag!"

"He didn't tell me anything, ya left home and came back with nothing. It's a simple guess, Calista."

"DON'T CALL ME THAT!" CJ shouted, stepping closer to her sister with her fists at her side. Harriet raised her sword towards her sister, CJ stopped. The older girl titled the sword ever so slightly so that it was close near her throat, if she would move any further towards Harriet, she would be cut.

HA HA!   | descendants |Where stories live. Discover now