The End - Part 2

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CJ waved and laughed with joy as she climbed up the planks on the mast to look out at the crowd she had gathered. "HEYO!" She shouted below, taking out her enchanted sword that was hidden underneath the golden coat. The pirate girl swung it around, as the pirates below threw fists in the air with chants and shouts.

Sammy was joining in with the crowds as they cheered. And Harriet, stood there. Wide eyed and dazed. She marched on to the dock CJ had parked next too. As CJ jumped down and lowered the many planks to allow them passage aboard.

CJ stood there, her fists on her hips. She was proud of herself, and the people cheering with glee made her feel even more special. And now, in this moment, she felt that she was someone. Someone, other than Captain Hook's runt of a daughter.

Harriet stomped aboard, happiness and anger written on her face. She came up to CJ, who was holding her arms out wide now, ready to be embraced by her older sister.

But Harriet had different intentions. And her gloved hand slapped across CJ's face, hard and heavy. CJ's face fell to the side, as she grabbed her cheek as it soon became red as red can be. "OW!" She shouted, "Not the response I was hoping for..."

The younger girl stood back up straight, and as she did. Harriet smiled, hugging her sister. "Don't you ever do that again!" She shouted in CJ's ear, squeezing her tightly.

"Don't worry I don't plan on fake dying anytime soon." CJ muttered, as Harriet let her go before slapping her sister again.

"OKAY ARE YOU HAPPY OR MAD!?" CJ shouted, grabbing the other side of her cheek.

"Both." She stated, "And not anytime soon! Not at all! Got it?!"

CJ raised her hands in the air in surrender, "Alright! Alright!" She said, "I promise!"

Harriet looked around the girls large ship as it was clean and nothing appeared to be broken. "This ship is even better than Father's!" She mumbled, and that was before her eyes spotted the chest on the deck. It was tied down to a mast with chains and ropes.

"Sammy!" CJ called out, and he saluted and began running over to the deck.

He came aboard as he leaned down to CJ, kissing her deeply with passion and excitement on the lips. Sammy's arms wrapped around her waist as he pulled her body against his. She loved it. Harriet, did not.

"Woah!" She shouted, grabbing the back of Sammy's shirt and pulling him away from CJ with force.

The crowd went wild with oos and awes, and whistles of all kinds. Harriet ignored them all as she raised her sword towards Sammy's neck.

"That is not happening!" Harriet shouted, but before she could continue. CJ's sword hit Harriet's, moving the weapon out of the way as CJ came and stood in front of Sammy.

"Yes it is, sister. Deal with it." CJ stated with a smirk, "I can take care of myself, I don't need you to protect me anymore. Haven't I proven that?"

The young pirate girl questioned, her eyes moving around her ship. Harriet grunted, and before getting mad, she realized that CJ was right. She would always be the runt- the baby of the family. But, she was becoming older and from the looks of it, she was growing up to be a perfect pirate. A perfect Captain maybe.

"Yes, you have." Harriet stated, putting her sword back at her side. She nodded towards Sammy, and he smiled awkwardly. "You better treat her like a god." The older girl stated, folding her arms across her chest with a smirk.

"Oh don't worry..." Sammy stated, taking CJ's hat off of her head and placing it on his own. "I'll treat her so much better."

CJ laughed softly, reaching up and giving him a kiss as she took her hat back. And again, like a TV show almost, the crowd went wild.

"So!" CJ shouted as she turned around to face her sister and looked out over the crowd. "Want to know how I did it! Of course you do!"

"Yeah. And I wanna know what that is." Harriet stated, pointing over to the chest tied down.

"Well! I-"

But in all the excitement with the crowds cheering, Harriet, and the sparks that flew in the air between Sammy and her. She had almost forgotten about her brother, but as his face appeared in the crowd. CJ's eyes turned brighter blue than usual, and her smile became so wide her mouth hurt.

It was Harry Hook, her big brother...

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