The End - Part 3

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Harry had been arguing with his father through the wooden door that was sealed shut. But very quickly, for some reason, the cheers outside became so loud that he couldn't hear his father's responses.

The boy turned and headed down the hall with a groan. He threw the back door open, hitting some innocent bystanders out of the way. And some got hit by the rocking door. "What in the bloody hell is going on here!?" Harry Hook shouted above the crowd, and he followed their eyes up to the new ship that had come.

How dare someone park their, much larger, boat right next to his father's? In Hooks Inlet? The boy gritted his teeth and began marching forwards. He was about to pull out his sword as he saw Harriet hugging someone aboard.

Harry's heart stopped when she pulled away, revealing a girl with golden locks of hair. His eyes glistened as happy tears came to his eyes. The pirate boy couldn't move, it was like his limbs had been cut from him. As if time was frozen, as he watched them talk back and forth. But when he saw Sammy Smee run aboard and kiss the girl, Harry's fire returned as he began to march forwards. And again, he stopped when he saw the girl defending him.

But how?

Was the only question that kept coming into Harry's mind. His mouth was gaped open, as he took his hat off his head and handed it to a pirate nearby without looking. Harry's eyes were glued on to CJ's as she looked at him with joy, and began running down the docks and over to him.

CJ jumped around people and pushed them out of the way. She received many congratulations and slapping her back softly. But she wasn't focused on them, she was focused on one person in the crowds of pirates.

Harry smiled as she came closer, and he then truly knew. That this was his baby sister, Calista Jane Hook. And his heart was filled with utter and complete joy.

"HARRY!" CJ called out as she jumped up, wrapping her arms around her brothers shoulders.

Harry stood there, unaware of what to do. A little dumfounded. But as soon as CJ hugged him, he knew this was real. He moved his arms around her tightly, and kissed her forehead multiple times, lifting her up in the air.

"You're alive!" Harry cried, not setting her down even after she let go of him. "You're alive! You're alive! You're alive!"

Then he put her down, grabbing her head with his hands and he looked down at her face. "Wait, how are you alive?!"

CJ pushed her older brothers hands off of her face as she grabbed one, pulling him forwards towards her ship. "I'll tell you and Harriet together!" She shouted over the crowds of people as they boarded her boat.

CJ pulled Harry over to where Harriet was standing with Sammy. She happily danced around a bit, as her brother just starred with a gaping smile. He didn't know how she did it, but he was glad she did.

"So!" CJ started, going back to the very beginning. "Malsy gave me this enchanted sword when I came back to get me through the barrier! But then dad- Father, took it and I couldn't do what I was originally planning on doing...which is another story! BUT ANYWAYS! Then you all started fighting and I thought, What is the best way to get father off my back and get my siblings to make up? Fake my own death of course! Badda Boom Badda Bang, I'm alive and on my own! And how did I do it? Well, Pixie Dust of course!"

"There's no Pixie Dust on this island." Harriet stated, unimpressed.

"And that's why I brought it back from Auradon!" She shouted, raising her hands in the air.

"It's true, I saw it." Harry muttered, listening intently.

"Listen! Children! Listen!" CJ shouted, continuing on with her conversation. "So! I left the Island, went and got my own ship! Welcome aboard the Sea Lily! And I went off, all by myself, into Auradon and stole PETER PANS TREASURE...amongst other things."

Both of her siblings dropped there jaws to the floor, so that's what the giant treasure chest that was tied up against the mast was.

"And I did it! All by myself! Made a name for me, and only me! Auradon will never forget the name, CJ Hook!"

Peter Pans Treasure, the treasure Captain Hook had waisted his life and his crew to try and get back from that flying scoundrel.

And speak of the pirate...

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