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Y/N Pov


I woke up to the alarm going off. "Y/N, get ready for school," my mom yelled. "Ok," I yelled back.

I slowly got out of bed and made my way to my dresser to get some clothes so I could take a shower.

When I got out of the shower, I went into my room and quickly got dressed. I left my hair down and put a hat backward. When I got done getting ready, I stood in front of the body lenth mirror that I had hanging on my closet door. (I guess the picture decided it doesn't want to show anymore so you can choose whatever you want to wear.)

I grabbed my bag and ran downstairs. I walked to the kitchen to see my big brother, my little sister, my mom, and dad sitting at the table eating breakfast.

I went to go sit down with them. My dad looked up at me. "Good morning, honey," he said with a smile on his face. "Good morning, dad," I said back. I am starting to eat my breakfast. "Oh honey, why can't you wear something girly? You always wear boys' clothes," my mom whines. I groaned and got up to put my plate on the counter. "Mom, not today, please," I said. "Oh come on, Y/N, we moved, and things are changing, so I think you should change the way you look," my mom said. I laughed a little. "Sorry mom, it's not happening, so Im just gonna go now before Im late on my first day of school," I said as I grabbed my bag and waved bye to everyone.

Im on the subway waiting for my stop. The train stopped, and some people came in. A blonde girl walks onto the train. "Wow, she's cute. im guessing that her friend who she is talking to.... Ofcorse thats her friend... Wow Y/N how stupid can you be, " I thought to myself.

The blond girl looks my way. I quickly looked away before she noticed that i was staring at her. I look back up again to see if she has noticed. I saw her friend point at me. I took out my phone to see what time it was. I got up to get ready to get off.

Hi guys, this is my first story, so um, I hope you like it. I know it's bad, I would get better, I promise.

Maya X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now