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We were packing our things into the moving truck. We are almost done packing when I heard someone knocking on my front door. I set down the things I had in my hands and went to open the door. Once the door was opened I saw the Matthew's, Farkle, Lucas, Smackle, and Zay.

"Hey guys, what are you doing here" I asked. "We are wondering if we can help you get done packing so we can through you a goodbye party" Mrs.Matthews said. "Oh ok then well I guess come in then"i say as I move to the side so they can get in. Right as everyone was in the house my mom walk out of the kitchen  "oh hey guy what are you doing here" she ask them. I turn to face her "there here because they want to help us get done faster so they can through us a goodbye party" I explained.

"Oh ok well then let's get started" she said. Everyone started cleaning and packing up things. I went up to my room and finish packing up. I went to my closet and grabbed a box from the shelf. I carried it to my bed, I slowly opened it up and the first thing I see was a picture of Maya and I. I remember this day, we had so much fun.


"Y/N COME ON PLEASE" she yelled in excitement. "Ok ok fine I rid the danm roller coaster with you" I said. "Yes" she said before kissing me on the cheek. She grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the roller coaster.

Once we got on she grabbed my hand and she had a big smile on her face. I would do anything to make her smile like that again.

Once the roller coaster was done she laughing at me because I was telling her how much she scares me sometimes. We got off and she jumped up on my back. So I put my arms around her legs making sure she doesn't fall off. I started walking towards our friends.

"Hey riles take a picture of us" Maya said handing her the phone. Riley took a few step back and point the phone at us. She took the picture and handed maya her phone back. I look up to see a very happy maya. She showed me the picture "wow you look so cute"i flirt.

"Not as cute as you" she flirt back. "Ok guys stop being cute and let's go get some food I'm hungry" farkle said.

End of flashback

I had some tears in my eyes. There was a knock on my door. I quickly whipped the tear and put the picture back. "Come in" I yelled, I grabbed the picture again and set it to the side so I could see what else I have in the box. "That's a good picture of you and Maya" Mr.Mathews said looking at the picture. I look up at him "ya it is huh" I say quietly.

He gave me a sad smile "I just came up to tell you that everything is good and that we are about to head out" he said. "Ok I'll be down in a minute" I said putting everything back. "Hey I just want to say that she still does love you, Yeah sometimes she would push you away but she still cares so she'll be there to say goodbye" he told me. I force a smile on my face "I know" I stay softly.  He gave me a hug before leaving the room. I could feel the tears coming down my cheeks.

"I hope that is true" I said to myself. I tapped the box shut and put it with the others. I stand in the middle of the room taking in the few memories that I had in here. I took a deep breath and grabbed my sweater and head downstairs.

I walked down and saw that everyone was ready to go. Riley walked to me, she gave me a hug knowing that I miss her. "She'll be there I know she will" she told me. I hugged her back, we pulled apart and I gave her a fake smile. I think she could tell but she doesn't say anything and I'm greatful for that she understood me.

"Ok guys let's head out. We only have a few hours so let's make the most of it" Mrs.Matthews said. We all went to the van and got in. 

Everyone was at Topanga's and having fun. The parents were talking and laughing about random things. Miss and Riley were cuddling in the window. Farkle and Smackle were talking about Science things. Lucas and Zay were talking to my brother about sports.

I'm out side thinking about her while staring at the night sky. I was in my own little world that I didn't notice someone walk down the steps. "The stars are bright tonight that you can actually see them" someone said. I then realized who the voice belongs to. "Ya they are" I said as I slowly look down at her before looking back up at the sky.

"I know your probably still mad at me but I came to say goodbye because I couldn't stand not seeing you one last time" she say as she slowly make her way towards me. "I could never be mad at you" I said quietly. "I-I still love you" I said look her straight in the eyes. She sat down and gave me a sad smile. "I still love you to Y/N" she said as she grabbed my hand.

"I'll say if you just tell me to... I want you to tell me to stay with you Maya, I-I don't want to leave you" I tell her. I could see the tears in her eyes. "I don't want you to either but I don't want you to miss a big opportunity because of me" she say as she let go of my hand and tears fall down her cheeks. "I love you Y/N I jus6 want the best for you and that is to let you do this..."she trail off.

"How do you know this is the best for me when I know that being here with you is best for me" I said stand up from my seat. "I-I don't know what you want me to say Y/N, This is a chance for you to meet new people and find someone who actually deserves your love" she say look at her hands that are in her lap. Thes tears streaming out of her eyes.

Seeing her like this breaks my heart. "Maya I love you and only you, you are worth everything in this world...I don't know why you can't see that but you do" I say walking up to her and held my hand out for her. She grabs it and I pull her up. "I don't want to lose you or any of our friends just because of one stupid chance to become famous" I said as I whipped the tears. "But-" I cut her off my pressing my lips to hers. The kiss was slort but passionate.

I pulled away and cup her cheeks with my hands. " but nothing. Leaving you would be the worst mistake I would ever make Maya... I love you with everything I have and I don't bare to lose my world" I say before I kiss her again.

"Y/N I..."she trail off again, I look at her in the eyes trying to figure out what she is thinking. She look straight into my eyes "I don't want you to go" she say quietly. I had a huge grin on my face, I crash our lips together. The kiss was longer this time. We broke apart and we lean our forehead together. "I'm not going anywhere"i say.

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