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                    Maya pov

I woke of my phone ding. I picked it up and check who it's from. It's from Riley.

Riley: hey peaches, I started think about Lucas then out of nowhere I started to thinking about you

Riley: you never really liked a guy and when you sae Y/N your eyes light up

Riley: you never become anyone friend that fast and when you do have a new friend we don't get to meet them until 6 months later

Riley: you never walk your new friends home to

Riley: Maya..... I think your fall in love with this girl

Maya: I can't... I can't... I can't

Riley: why

Maya: because I'm not a post to

Riley: Maya, love is love... it doesn't matter about what gender it is... if your falling for her then that's ok

Maya: I'm scard that if I do fall in love then something bad is going to happen to me

Riley: you don't have to be afraid of anything Maya... I can tell that she likes you too

Maya: ya but what if she doesn't.... what if I'm just a post be alone for the rest of my life.

Riley: Maya your going to be fine just tell her how you fell ok

Maya: ok, I'm going to do it right now

I went to Y/N contact and I push the message one.

Maya: hey are you able to come over

Y/N: um ya sure I'm on my way

Maya: see you soon

                      Y/N Pov
I got dress to get ready to got to maya house. When i got done i walked down stairs. "Mom... Dad... Im going to a friends house" I yelled.

I then walked out of the house. I started walking to Maya's house. When I got there I knocked on the door. I waited for seconds until she opens the door.

"Hey" I say with a smile. "Hey, come in" she say stepping back. I walked in and she closed the door. "This way" she said walking to a hallway.

"This is my room" I look around. "Its nice" I said look toward her. "thanks" she say happily "So I want to talk about something with you" she said as she sits on her bed. I went to go sit by her.
"Ya what's up" I asked.

She took a breath "So um lately I been getting these feelings and I don't know where they came from but uh Y/N I think that im.......in love with you" she said.

                    Maya pov

I shuts my eyes don't know what's going to happen next. "Maya open your eyes" Y/N said. I opened my eyes and look at her. "I'm in love with you to" she say as she grabs my hand.

"Really" I said with a smile. "Ya really" she smile. I gave a hug and she hugged me back. "Maya do you want to be my girlfriend" she asked.

"I would love to be your girlfriend" I said as I held her tighter. I didn't want to let her go. "Do you want to go get icecream" she asked. " Ya sure... Tapanga's" I asked. "Ya that works" she smiled.

We got up and she held out her hand. I happily took it and we walked out of the house. We started walking to Topanga's.

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