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                     Maya Pov

"Ok class now I want you to write a paper on what your sexuality it and I know how hard it could be so I'm giving you guys a week to write this" Mr.Matthews said.

This can't be happening to me, can't tell my friend that I am a lesbian.

The bell rang signaling that the class is over. Farkle, Lucas, smackle, Riley, Zay came up to me. " are you coming to Topanga's with us after school"Farkle asked.

"Y-ya sure" I said, walked out of the class with Riley. Riley and I walked to the girls locker room. We got dressed and went out to the gym.

After gym we were getting dressed. A piece of paper fell out of my locker. I picked it up and open it to read it.

Here's my phone number text me (your phone number)
                 (After school)
My friends and I went to Topanga's. We sat at their normal spots. Then we started doing that homework.

"so about the assignment that your dad is signed to us" he started. "So why don't we just talk about it since we are close friends right?" He asked. "okay I will go first, so I'm bisexual" Farkle said.

"that's great Farkle I'm very proud of you" Riley said. "Thanks Riley" he said with smile. "Ok well I am heterosexual" Lucas said. "the same here" Zay raised his hand. "Me to" smackle added, everyone like that Riley. "What about you Riley" Lucas asked. "I'm straight"Riley said, then everybody's looked at Maya.

I wasn't really paying attention to them. All I could think about was that girl. I wonder if I should text her later because I don't want to freak her out or anything. What if she doesn't like me in that way or what if she is gross out because of what I am.

"Maya...Maya...Maya!"Riley yelled. I shook my head to reality "I didn't do it" I yelled. "what's going on with you, you been out of it all day" Riley asked. "N-Nothing"I say quickly. "okay, so what's your sexuality Maya" Lucas asked.

Here we go's

" I'm a... lesbian" looking down scared of see what their reaction is. " we love you no matter what Maya whatever makes you happy makes you happy that's all that matters" Riley said.

"Well I better get going since we have school tomorrow" I stand up and rush out without saying goodbye.

I arrived at my house, I walked in. I walk to my room and took out my phone. Then I took out the piece of paper out with Y/N phone number, I text her.

Me: hey new girl, its maya

Y/N: oh hey

Me: what are you up to

Y/N: nothing much i was just waiting for you to text me

Me: why

Y/N: because i want to get to know you

Me: ok but what if i didn't text you

Y/N: well I knew you would so I didn't have to worry about it

Me: how would you know I would

Y/N: idk I guess I just knew

Me: lol well lucky for you become I never text anyone except my friends

Y/N: oh so now your saying I'm your friend

Me: what no

Y/N: that's what you said

Me: no, I said I only text my friends and your not my friend your just a new kid.

Y/N: wow thx, is there any chance I could become a friend

Me: mmmmm maybe, you have to prove to me that you can be a good friend

Y/N: challenge accepted

Me: ok good luck bye new girl

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