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                          Maya pov

Bayley came to grabbed us and have
us sit where the wrestlers were to watch the show. "Just stay here and enjoy the show" she said. "Ok" I said, she walked out and now and I faced Y/N let's hope that's she will be ok for whatever going to happen. "Ya, it just I dont have a good feeling about this" she said. I put my arm around he and I pulled her close to me. "Everything will be find" I said. She gives me a small smile before she snuggles into me more.

The show started and the first person to come out was this girl with red hair. She made her way down to the ring, after a couple of minutes she standing in the middle of the ring with a microphone. "So Charlotte thinks that she can cheat her way to becoming the raw woman champion guys" she say look at the crowd taking a moment before she speaks again. "She also thinks that she better then everyone else in that locker room... so tell me something if she better then all of us then why is she cheating, explain that to me" she asked the crowd

"You see if she wanted a match against me all she had to do was ask... so that's why I'm here right now, to give Charlotte a chance to see she better then everyone with cheating... so come Charlotte prove to me that your better because I know in hell that your not" she yelled. There was a 2 minute wait and music started to play.

I turned towards Y/N "why would she want fight her if she going to cheat to win" I asked her. "Ya Becky wont her cheat thought" she said. "How do know that though" I asked. She looks up with a smile "you'll see" she say before looking at the TV.

                       .   .   .   .   .   .

It's almost been an hour and nothing happened yet. So that's a good sign I felt Y/N move. "Hey I'll be right back I'm gonna use the restroom" I nod my head for a response. I look back at the TV and see Sasha standing in the middle of the right facing a short blond with red tips. "Hey sasha where's you partner bayley, did she leave you because she finally get that you are just playing her" the short girl asked. You can see Sasha smirk "she right behind you" she say.

The girl slowly turn around and when she saw bayley she was ran to the side but Sasha grabbed her before she could. Bayley was about to punch her but someone spoke. "I wouldn't do that" I girl said "why is that nia" bayley asked. "because we have someone that you care about.... a family member actually, who would of thought you have family" Nia said. Bayley face went pale "you let them go or I'll-" bayley was cut off by Nia. "Or you'll what... beat me up, ya I'll like to see you try" Nia laughed. "Here I'll you see for yourself self" She say as she raise your hand up to point to the screen above her.

It show Y/N struggling to get out of the grip of a two wrestlers. "Let me go!" She yell try to get out. I quickly got up to walk out but farkle grabbed my wrist "hey dont, bayley got this" he say softly.  "Its going to be ok" he said and I nod sitting back down, getting nervous by every second. The camera point back at sasha and bayley. "Let her go now" bayley yelled again. "Nah" Nia say while smirking "hey bayley, sasha look behind you" fans yelled. They look behind then and see 4 guys behind them and suddenly the grabbed ahold of them.

They tried to get out of they're grip but can't. "Ok girls bring her out" Nia command and the two wrestlers cam out still hold Y/N. Nia grabbed a hold of Y/N and pushed her to the ground. "So girls what should we do to her... you know what have at it" Nia say as she step back and the two girl slowly walk towards Y/N with a smirk. Y/N got up and tried to get away from of them but she wasn't fast enough because one of them grabbed her by the hair and slammed her to the ground.

Y/N hold on to her head in pain and they started kicking her. Bayley elbow the guy on her right causing him to let go of her and then punch the guy on the left in his face. She quickly rush towards Y/N but was push down but one of the guys. "Y/N!" Bayley yelled trying to fight out of his grip again.

                       Alexa pov
I watch as Nia pushed the girl to the ground then let Sonya and mandy go after her. What the fuck is she thinking, I mean she knows she can get fired for this and plus this is mess up... as much as I don't like bayley I would never attack her family. I look over at bayley and saw that she got free but she got tackled down by of the guys. "Y/N!" she yelled, I cant just sit here I have to do something.

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