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Friday after school

Y/N pov

We were waiting in line for our turn. Maya and Riley or practicing their song in front of me and the boys were practicing in front of them. I was behind the girls freaking out cuz how nervous I am. Maya turn around and she could tell that I was nervous.

"Hey your going to do great" she said with a smile on her face."Thanks babe" I smiled back. She hugged me and kiss me on the cheek. The line moved up and the boys where next.

Was that person got done that boys went out on the stage. They got ready to sing their song.

( Lucas was in the middle and Farkle was on the left and Zay was on the right)

It was Riley and Maya turn.

I was impressed they both sound really great. Oh and the guys sound great too. They got off the stage Maya walked straight towards me. "you got this babe take a deep breath and let it out I'll be right here for you" you said. I took a deep breath and hug her before I walked out onto the stage.

Once I got once I got done singing I took a deep breath. "Ok thank you and we will see you again at the end" one of them said. I nodded and walked off the stage.

Maya, Riley, Lucas, Farkle, Zay, and smackle had a shocked expression. "Wow" they said at the same time. "damn Maya yeah girl can sing" Zay said. I look down " yeah what else is she good at" Lucas asked. "probably a lot of things that I don't know about" Maya said. We walk to the place where we're supposed to meet the judges at.

Once everybody was done we were just waiting for the judge's to pick the winner. It took about 30 minutes for them to come to us. "okay everyone you guys did wonderful jobs but there's only going to be 1 winner and that is.....

Maya X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now