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                       Y/N pov

School ended and I went to my locker to grabbed my things. I closed my locker and I put my back pack over my shoulder. Then I made my way to the front to meet maya.

I opened the door and I saw Maya sitting there on the stairs. I walked up to her "you ready to go"I asked. She looks up and smiled at me.

I held my hand out to help her up. "Ya, are you" she asked. "Yup, let's the fun begin" I said. She let out a small giggled. "Ya whatever, let's go"she said. "Wow no excitement... no anything" I say.

She playful push me. "Wow, that's the answer I get" I said in between laughs. She smirk "yup" she said.

"So are you excited to meet my friends" she asked. "Ya if it makes you happy then ya I am" I said. She had a big smile on her face but she then tryed to hide it.

Did I tell you guys that I really love that smile. It's like a light..... it could light up the whole world.

We arrived at Tapanga's, we walked in. "Peaches where have you been I was getting worried" a girl said. "I'm fine riles I just had to wait on someone"she said pointing at me.

I stood there awkward didn't know what to say or do. Maya walked up to me and put an arm around me. "Guys this is Y/N" she introduce me to her friends. I waved hi. The same girl that was talking to maya stood up and walked up. "Hi I'm Riley... I'm Maya's best friend" she said with a big smile.

"And so that Lucas, Zay, Farkle, and Smackle... I'm going to let you know now that lucas is mine" Riley said. "That cool um ya you don't have to worry about me, I'm.... well let's just say he's not my type" I said.

"What do you mean he not you type, like every girl in school is drooling over him" Farkle said. "The only girls who aren't into him are a.... ohhhh" Farkle said. "Ohhhh what" maya asked. "I uh i-I think Y/N will tell you when she ready to tell you" he said.

Oh no..... how the hell does he know... he doesn't even know me.

"How di-" I was cut off by him "I'm smart, but you don't have to worry... I'm won't tell them" he  resure me. "Thanks" I say quitely.  Everyone was look at me. "So maya when did you started hang out with Y/N" Farkle trying to break the silence.

                   Maya pov

What were they talking about. Nerds? Goth? What, what is it.

"Maya" Riley snap a finger in front of my face. I shook my head "wh-what" I asked. "Whats going on" Riley asked. "Oh uh sorry I was just thinking" I said.

"About what" she asked. I was to say something but someone phone went off. "Oh uh sorry guys I have to head home" Y/N said. "It was really great to meet you guys" she continued.

They said there good byes to Y/N. "I will walk with you" I said. "Uhhh ok cool" she said. I walked up to Riley and I hugged her. "I'll come over when I drop her off" she nodded.

We walked out and started making our way to her house. 'So what were you and Farkle talking about back there" I asked. "Oh uh that ummm-" I cut her off. "You can tell me anything I wouldn't Juge you" I said.

"Because you know I think friends should trust there other friends right" I said. I look over and I saw she had an adorable smile. "So we're friends now" she asked. "Well are you going to tell me what going on... like I said I won't Juge" I said. She stopped and face me. "Well, your friend Farkle found out that I was a....."

          To be continued....

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