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Katy pov

When I got home I went to Maya's room. I knocked on the door. "Honey can we talk" I asked. I didn't hear a answer so I opened the door. "Honey Riley didn't mean it, she really sorry" I said as I sit down next to her.

"I know she didn't I'm just... just piss off that Y/N treat me like that when I asked her not to" she said quietly. "Honey, she just trying to show you that she cares, if I had someone to do that for me I would be really happy because their showing me that they care, there's not a lot of people who are like that...Maya, your really lucky that you have someone like that because I dream of having a person who cares enough to waist money on me... those kinds of people is the kind that you want to keep, so if you really love her go talk to her and tell her that you care" I say with all hart. (See what I did there)

Maya pov

I look up at my mom "Wow mom I didn't even know you can say so much" I teased her. She playfully push me. "Ok I'll talk to her" I said as I sit up.

She smile "ok I'll call Topanga and tell her to bring Y/N over" she said excitedly. I just nodded "and done... she'll be here in 5minutes"she say before stranded up and walked out.

I heard a knock, I made my way to the front room. I saw Y/N standing there looking down with red puffy eyes. I hate that I'm the cause of it.

"Ok we will let you two talk" Topanga said as they walked out.  I nodded and then look at Y/N again.

"I'm sorry Maya"she say quietly. "It's ok, Y/N"I said with a smile. "Maya... I care a lot about you and I'll stop buying you things I'll do anything to get you back please" and with that I couldn't help it.

I crash our lip together, it started rough. We pulled apart "I'll do anything" she wispered. "Just be here " I said before connected our lips together again.

Maya X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now