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                             Y/N pov

I had my arm around Maya waist as we were walking to my house. "So are you going to sleep over at my place or am I sleeping at your place" Maya asked. "It's up to you love because I don't care as long Im with you Im good" I told as i loom over at her. She look down a smile on her, we stop walk and she look up at me.

"The very first time I looked at you and you looked at me, my heart knew… that we were meant to be. But all my life I have always done what my heart told me to. I wouldn’t have it any other way because it led me to you. The crazy part is I was afraid to grow up but now I look forward to growing old with you so that one day when we are both weak and fragile, we can sit on our rocking chairs, look at each other and say 'we lived a perfect and with the most beautiful family'. I can’t predict how our life will be when the decades fly by, but I promise that even when we get old I will crush on you just like how I have been since our very first date because Y/N when it comes to you, my heart can feel what my mind can’t put into words. I used to say that my life has been a rough ride with lots of ups and downs and not believing in hope. Now I take all that back because coming out of every little dark corner in my life eventually led me to riley and you and that the best thing to have ever happened to me. Y/N if you can't tell right now I just want to say that im so in love with that not even god him self can ruin that" Maya said as she looks straight into my eyes

I couldn't help my self but let tear slide down my face. I quickly smash our lips together. We pull away because air was becoming a problem. "Damn why do you have to be so perfect" I let out. She let out a small giggle "I don't know honey". I lean in and peck her on the lips "come let go so we can cuddle" I say as I grabbed her hand. We started walking to my house again.

"Can I be the big spoon this time" she asked. "Sure" I smiled "yay" she said happily. We got to my house and I open the door and let her in first and me following behind. I closed the door "HEY GUYS IM HOME"I yelled. "Mom and dad is out on a date and so im going go to a party with so friends so see ya losers later" my big brother said before he walked out. "And mom said that I can spend the night at my friend's" my little sister say before we heard a knock. I turn around and opened the door. "Hi is-" she was cut off by my sister. "Lets go" she runs out of the house and her friend followed behind her.

"Ok well I guess we get the house to ourself then" I said. Maya had a smirk on her face. "I know what we can do" she say as she walk closer to me.

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