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We pulled apart from the kiss, my eyes was still close trying to enjoy the moment. I lean my forehead against hers. "I love you so much there no words that can describe it" i tell her. "I love you so much to Y/N and im glad that i get to spend my life with you because i cant imagine a life with out you being by my side" she said bedore pulling me into a passionate kiss.

We pulled away "are you ready to go back" I asked. She nods and I grabbed her hand and we started walking back to Topanga's. "I can wait to marry you" she said. "I cant wait either" i say kissing her hand that im holding.

Once we got there everyone was in a big circle. We walked uo and saw that they were watching auggie and ava dancing together. The song ended and they stop dancing. Everyone started clapping for them. "Hey Y/N, you and Maya should dance" auggie said.

"I don't know buddy i don't think we couldn't do any better then you and ava, you guys are like the best dacer there is in the room huh maya" i asked maya with a smile. "Ya augs Y/N right we could never beat that" she said.

The two younger kids look really happy. "Mom did you hear them im a good dancer" Auggie said with so much happiness. " i know i heard" topanga say smilimg at her happy son.

                          .   .   .   .   .   

Lucas, Zay, Smackle, Farkle, and Missy left with some other people. There was just the Matthews, the Maya's family, my family, and ava. We were the only one there. "Ok well we should get the kids home so they could get some sleep... are you coming Y/N" my mom asked.

"Im just going to say the night with maya if thats ok" I asked. "Of course, you" Katy said. "Its not like I can stoo you guys... you are engaged so" she continue. I smile at that. One of the best things I ever done. I look over at Maya who was looking at her hand with the ring on it. She had the biggest smile on her face.

I slide my hand into her's, she looked up at me and smiled. She leaned in and kissed me on the cheek "i love you" she wispered. "I love you to my love" I said pulling her into a hug. She hug me back with a tight grip. "Awwww" everyone said in unison.

We pulled apart, "ok ill.see you later then honey" my mom said. "Ok" i say giving her a hug before they left. i turn my attention back to maya. I put my arm around her shoulder and she intertwine our hand together. I kiss the top of her head.

"Ok we will see you guys later we got to get ava home" Topanga said. Riley walked over to us and hugged both of us. "I'm glad that you guys are happy " she said. "Thanks riles" maya smiled, Mr.and Mrs. Matthews came over and hugged us to. "We are proud of both of you" Mr. Matthews said.

"Thanks Matthews" both Maya and I say at the same time. They left so now it was just Shawn, katy, Maya and I that are left. "Well you girl could head home, shawn and I will clean up " katy said. "Ya sure you will, hey just make sure you use protection mom" maya said before walking out. I turn around to see her mom blush "Maya!!" Katy yelled. I could hear Maya laughing.

I shugged and walked out, i caught up to Maya and held her hand. We were talking as we were walking to her house.

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