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                            Y/N pov

The ride to Boston was really long, the whole time maya and I was cuddling up. Riley and Missy was cuddling up together too as Farkle was sitting in front with the driver ask him so many questions. "Are you nervous" Maya asked as she sat up. "Just a little bit yeah" I say as I breath out. "I mean what if she doesn't like me or what if she just doesn't want me in her life" i say as i start panicking.

Maya grabbed my hand and then use her other hand to cup my face "hey if she doesn't want you in her life then she missing out on a smart, beautiful, wonderful girl that I love so much" She say with a smile. I lean in and peck her on the lips. "Thanks love, i love you so much to" I smile pull her closer to me. She lay her head on my shoulder "I love you maya" I say before kissing her on the top of her head. "I love you to honey" she said snuggling into me as she put her arm around my waist.
                  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .

Once we got to the hotel we quickly got our rooms. Farkle is paying for the rooms, he also said that this hotel is one of the best in Boston. Im going to agree because the room that Maya and I got, look amazing. There was a kitchen, 2 bedroom, and a bathroom, with a living room area.

'Thank you Farkle' I thought "wow this place is amazing" Maya say out loud. I nod in agreement, she walks over to me "so what do we now" I asked. Right as she was about to say something. Riley, Missy, Farkle walked into our room. "Alright lets go, the show is about to start" Farkle say with a big smile on his face. I nervously nod my head get nervous by every minute.

Maya grabbed my hand "let go before Y/N pass out" Maya say as she pull me out of the door with the others following behind us. We walk downstairs and got to the lobby. We walk out side to see a limbo in front of us, farkle step up "hi are you David" Farkle asked. "yes sir, are you farkle" the driver asked. Farkle nod with a smile. David smiled and opened the door for us. I got in first, "thank you" I say to David for opening the door. She nods his head, everyone else got in.

It took us about and hour to get there because of the traffic. "So what are we doing when we get there" Missy asked. "Well farkle bought us tickets to there event..." I said. "But Maya's and Y/N's seats are in the very front close to the ring... our seats are 3 rows be hide them, you see if we can quickly get up fron the seat and rush up to the front we wont have to deal with other people push us" Farkle explained.

"Hey guys we're here"

Maya X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now