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                             Y/N pov

Once we were all in my room I shut the door behind me. "Ya we have plenty of time to arange the wedding but not tonight because tonight is just us hanging out and having fun" I said. I walk over to my bed and sat down leaning on the headboard. Maya came over and sat between my legs. I put my arms around her waist.

"Ok then what do we do" Riley asked. "Ummm we can tell scary stories" Missy  suggested. "Omg yes" Maya said with excitement. "I guess" I said, we look at Riley. She looks scared "hey itll be fine I promise" Missy told her. "We're right here riles" Maya resure her. "Ok ok I'll do it" Riley smiled.

"Alright who's going first" I asked them. "Oh I will" Riley said with her hand up. "Ok go head" I said. "Ok once upon a time there was a unicorn walking in the forest with her family and it was almost dark, they were having a great old time but when it was dark she'll was still walking with the family until she went the wrong way instead of turning right she turned left she thought that her family turn left but when she couldn't hear her family anymore she stopped in her tracks and called out then but no answer, she starts walking again trying to find a family  as she calls out for them  but still no answer she was getting really really scared, since that day she could never find her family the end" Riley had a smile on face. The were silent in the room.

'Wow that was really bad but hey just let her be somewhat innocence Y/N' I thought.

I cleared my throat " that was pretty scary riley" I said. "I know right... that poor unicorn couldn't find her family so sad" she say while looking down. "Um baby that was nowhere close to b-" Maya hit Missy on the arm. "HEY!! what the hell man" She whines. Maya was glaring at her. "Ok ill go next"Missy said excitedly.

"last night my sleep was cut short by a phone call that came from an unknown number the ringing woke me up I scrambled to the phone and look at the time it was 3:05 a.m. I look down at the blindingly bright light of my smartphone the call was coming from an unknown number my decision-making wasn't the best in that moment and I decided to pick up "uh hello, who is this?"  "Hi mister my name is Stacy" this caught me off guard the person was a small child judging by the voice I sobered up in a second and perked up my ears "hi Stacy, honey are you okay, why are you calling me"  "he said I can't talk to anyone or I would be punished" her voice sounded shaken up and she was crying "who told you that? your father"  " no the man that took me to his house and said it was my new home and that my parents gave I haven't seen my dad in a year he never lets me go out of the basement he gave me this phone today and said I can play games but I open the contacts and your number was the only one there" it sounded like she had been kidnapped but I tried to remain calm trying my best not to frighten her even more I took out my backup phone and dial nine-one-one dispatcher picked up for a second and I told her just to listen I hope the phone up close and continue to talk to Stacy "can you tell me your last name and your parents number" "my last name is Martin I don't really remember my dad's number but I do know three numbers 203"  "okay I'll see what I can do just stay in the line with me okay" I hope the dispatcher was paying close attention and collecting the information searching the database for missing child by that name Stacy's voice only came through again even more scared them before "he's coming now" I can hear him a loud bamg coming from the basement that Stacy is staying in. Stacy started screaming and on top of all that I heard this deep voice shouting.  "you little bitch" there is a commotion and then silence officers visited my home the following morning and took my statement they had identified Stacey's parents and it turns out that she had been missing for a year after being abducted from her bedroom in the middle of the night I waited up for the next several nights praying that she would call me again but she never did. The one thing that especially worries me is why the abductor had my number and why I was his only contact but I never found that out" Missy said, I look over at riley and you can see that she was scard.

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