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                              Y/N pov

I opened the door to my house and let Auggie and Maya in first. Once they are in I walk in and closed the door behind me. I turn to Maya "So Maya do you want to talk to him now or do you want to talk to him later" I asked her.

"Now I guess"she said, I nod and we turn to Auggie. "Hey auggie. Maya and I have to talk to you before we do anything" I said. "Ok" he smiled, we walked up to my room they sat down on my bed. I closed the door to my room then walk to my bed.

I pick up auggie and set him on my lap. "So we were talking... well I was think that maybe you could be part of the wedding" I say. He looked shocked at first be then it turns into a big grind. "So what do you say, do you want to be part of the wedding" I asked him.

He turns to Maya "can I" he asked her. She let out giggle "its up to buddy, do you want to" she asked. "Yes!" He yelled in excitement. We laught at his cuteness. "So I was thinking that you could be the ring boy, or do you want to do something else" I asked him.

"Do get to stand up the with you guys if im a ring boy" he asked. "Yup" both Maya and I say. "Then Ill be fine do that" he say. I nod my head, "ok so since that is over with how about we go out for lunch, or do you guys want to just go get something and come back and play games" I asked them as I set Auggie next to me and got up.

"Come back and play games"Auggje said. I look over at Maya she smiled "what he said" she say as she pulled Auggie into a hug and Auggie hugged her back. "Ok lets go get some food then" I grabbed my house keys and walked down stairs.

"Hey guys Im going to the store do you want anything" I adked my family. "Actually yes, can you get something for dinner tonight" My mom asked. "Sure, is that all"I asked them. "No umm I know that your probably say no but could you get me some snacks for school because we have a movie day" My sister asked.

"Ya sure, so what are we doing for dinner" I said as my mom hand me some money for dinner. "We are going to be having hamburgers and hot dogs wirh chips, we are have some people over for dinner so we are grilling out" she said and I nod.

I felt someone grabbed my hand and turn my head to the right and saw Maya. Sme smiled at me and I smile back "ready to go" she nods. "Ok we will be back. I said opening the door for the other to and follow after them closing the door.


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