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                           Maya pov

We stopped in close to a barn "ok guys, I guess we're here... let's go get our girl" sasha said. We all got out of the car, we walked over to bayley and the girl. "Yup that's Nia car" sasha sigh. "I hope Y/N ok..." bayley said. "She will be bayley" both sasha and the girl said. Wow ok that's not weird. I walk over to farkle "hey so what can we do" I asked him. "They're probably waiting for us so when need to catch them off guard" he said and he was right they would.

He walks over to the group "hey do you know how many intrence the barn as" he asked the girl. "Well of course the one right there and there's one on the left side on the top." She answered. He nods and then thinks for a second. "Ok here's the plan, bayley, missy and...." he look over at the girl. "Its alexa" the girl said, farkle smiled "ok so bayley, alexa and sasha will go to use the front door then Maya, missy, and I will go use the side door so that they think its just you guys" he said

"Hey what about me" Riley asked. "You, your plan B so follow me" Farkle said. They walked away so that they can talk.   "So Sash um so alexa and I have been talking and we agreed to start over after this and I was hope that you can and her can do the same thing" bayley said. "But- she- ya ok sure m" sasha said as she cross her arms. "But if she does something like hurts you or she pulls anything I'll beat the crap out of her" she said.

Riley and Farkle came back "alright let's do this and by the way we called the police so they will be here in 10, so dont let them leave or dont get yourselfs killed" he said. We made our way towards the barn. Farkle, Missy, and I went to the side and climbed up to the door and quietly made our way in.

                        Bayley pov

I opened the barn door revealing them standing there with Y/N sitting there in the middle. "Well finally, I thought you were never going to show up" Nia say with a smirk. The guys was pointing guns at us. "What do you want" I asked her. "We want you"she simply said, "why" I asked her. "You stole someone from me" she say angry.

What is talking about "what are you talking about" I asked. "You stole alexa from me!" She yelled. I look over at alexa and she look confused. "She was apost to like me not you" she yell. "Are you serious Nia... I was never yours, and I will never be yours because first you hurt a kid because I like bayley and not you and secondly that kiss we share was nothing to me, we were drunk" Alexa said. That caused Nia angry more "if I cant have you then you can have her" she said before she pulls out a gun and points at me. My eyes widened and before I knew it Alexa was in front of me facing me.

Maya X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now