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It was me vs Riley while our girlfriend was trying to distract us and so far im win. I look over to see Missy kiss Riley on the neck while her hands go further down Riley body. I look back at the tv and I started to attacking again. Like always I win because Riley isn't good with games, or being distracted.

"Noooo dang it" Riley said with a pout. "Sorry riles" I giggle, "you always win... its not fair" she whines. "Well play more then you'll get better" I told her. "Ok our turn" Y/N said, she kiss me on the cheeks then the lips. Riley and I got up and the girls scoot up to the edge of the bed and then we sat down.

They started playing and I look at Riley. She look at me, we lean in closer to each. "Full force? " she asked, I nod "full force" i replied. She smirked and nod, we pulled back and started. Riley and I just went start to their center so we could just go for it.

I slide my hand in her pants and pantues. I start rubbing. She let out a soft moan, I hear Missy moan too. I kiss the side of Y/N neck trying to find the right spot. "Shit... riley" missy moan. Y/N laught "dude don't get to distracted because you could-" I cut her by put two finger inside of her. I could see missy smirk "could what Y/L/N... win I know" Missy said.

I look over at riley and mouth 'do it'. "See im w-....oh my god" she was cut off by her moaning. Missy closed her eyes and stoped. I look over to see Y/N doing the same. I lean in close to her ear "babe open you eyes and win because if you do I'll give a president later" i whispered.

She let out a soft moan and she opened her and started fighting. One she won she dropped the controller and turned around to face me. She connected our lips again. I could tell that Riley and Missy was doing the samething.

"Girls come eat" I hear Mr.Matthews yell from down stairs. We pulled apart "do we have to" Y/N asked. "Ya" I replied, we all got up and went do stairs. We walked outside where  everyone was. We went straight to where the food was.

We grabbed our food and went into the house and sat down at the kitchen table. While we were eating we were laughing and joking around.

Maya X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now