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Y/N pov

I was in Maya room getting our stuff pack up as Maya is making us something to eat. As I was packing up I was watching YouTube videos of my cousin. She was really good at fighting, im like she was the NXT champion. Im so proud of what she done.

I think that she could be the champ be the RAW Women Champion if she want to. That's how good she is, I just wish that I was already there so I could tell her that I miss her and that Im proud of her for following her dreams.

"Y/N!!!" Maya yelled out from the kitchen. I ran out of her room and into the kitchen. "Are you ok" I asked her as I rush in. "Ya im fine, I was going to tell you that Farkle found us a ride" she said. " yes!!!" I yelled out. she looks at me and then lets out a giggle "what..." I asked with a smile "Nothing your just adorable" she said with a big smile.

I started blushing, putting my hands down. "So when do we leave" I asked, she looks down at her phone "in 3 hours" she said. She grabs her coat and then grabs my hand. "Lets go get Riley and Missy" Maya said and she pulls me out if the house.

"You must really like to pull me everywhere because you been doing that all day long" I let out a chuckle. "Oh sorry, I didn't notice I was doing that" she said as she lets go of my hand. "no it's ok...I kinda like it" I told her, she starting blushing. "aww how cute now your blushing that's adorable" I laugh as I tease her. "oh shut up or no kisses" she said as she hides her face.

. . . . . . . .

We arrived at Riley house we decide to climbed up the fire escape. We got up to her window, you could hear giggling. You can't see in there because the curtain "Maya I think we should let them be and come back later" I let out. "oorrr we can you know go in there" she said as she opens the window. she climbs in. "ok well this isn't going to be wierd or anything" I say quitely as I climb in. Once I got in and what I saw, I can't unsee.

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