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Y/N Pov

I was sitting on the couch listening to all four of them fight about the stupidest things and after a couple of minutes they are calm down and working together. Every second I got more bored and those seconds turn to minutes. Minutes turn into and hour, Then that turns into 5 hour. I was laying on the couch and out of nowhere you could hear all of them cheering.

Maya came out with a bottle in her hand "hey babe, so we want you to drink this" she said as she hands me the bottle. "All of it" I asked her and she nods in a responds. I opened it and gulped it down quickly. I took the last gulp and then I put the the bottle down "wow that was gross" I said. She started to count to 30 seconds. I look at her in confusion.

"OK guys it time, lets see if it works" she yelled. They all came out then about 30 second later they ran back in there. "IT GOT A LOT STRONGER, TAKE HER TO MY ROOM"Farkle yelled. I got up and walked up to his room. Maya was just standing there still. You could tell that she was getting upset. She walked back to where they were in earlier.

Maya Pov

I walk in " how are we going to fix this if we can't" Missy said. "I think I know what we miss" I said. They all look at me in confustion "What do you mean" Riley asked her. "Farkle where is your notes" I asked; "Why"Farkle ask as he grabs his notes. He hand me his notes and I read through it trying to find what we were missing. "Now I see what we're missing" I said as I put down the notes. "What" they all asked "We need raindrops"I told her. I look over at Farkle "do you have amy more" I asked him.

He shake his head no "damn it" I yelled. Riley was on her phone "Hey guy they said that we are a post to have rain in the morning"she told us. "well looks like I'm staying up in one" I said as I sit down. "oh how about this you guys make batch of the same from earlier and I'll go take a nap before I have to get up" I told them. "But its all ready 10pm and the first one took forever" Missy said.

"well it would of gone faster if you two would of help and not making out" I said as I glare at them. "but if you three work and not mess around you'll be done at least around 12: 55, so if I was you I would start working" I continued. I got up and left the room and walked over to Farkles room. Once I got in there I saw Y/N laying on the bed sleeping as she cuddles with a pillow. I walk up and got into bed with her. I put my arms around her and pull her closer to me. "maya.." she mumbled "hey baby... go back to sleep honey" I said wispered. "ok" she said and she fell asleep again. I let sleep take over and hope that everything will be ok soon.

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