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I was standing out in the front of the mall waiting on Riley and Missy. It was about 10 minutes when they finally showed up. "Were you guys making out while walking or what" I asked. "Noo this one had to get a icecream cone" Missh said as she points at Riley.

Riley was just smiling "what I needed icecream" she said innocently. "Ok whatever let's go to the food court" I said as I grabbed my bag off the ground. I held the door for them, they said thank you as they step in. When we are in the mall we started heading to the food court.

"So Y/N what's in the bag" Missy asked. "Computer, a notebook, pencils/pens, sketch book" I told her. "What Exactly are we doing" she asked. "What Riley didn't tell you" I said asked her to turn to look at her. "No Maya was in the same room as her so I just had to say 'we got to go' so ya she doesn't know" Riley explains.

"Oh that makes sense" I said as I kept walking. "Ya" Riley said " so what I'm planning is to propose to Maya durning the summer and I need to plan it all out so I can make it perfect for her" I told her as we got to the food court. We sat down at one of the tables and I took out my things that I need. I hope my laptop and turn it on then I went to the website thing just search up some ideas.

"so what do you guys have in mind" I asked them. "so we know that Maya loves to draw right, why don't you draw a picture of you two standing then like another picture is you moving just a little bit but you're like about to go on one knee and then there would be a bubble on top of you head but without the words and that would make her  look up and she see you standing there with a big card that said 'will you marry me' and someone would give her a marker and she can circle yes or no" Riley explain her idea to us.

"I fully agree with Riley she has really good idea" Missy said. "Your just saying that because your dating her" I giggled. "Not true" Missy say,   " I saying that her idea is good and the I agree with and if I didnt like it I would just say it even if I'm dating her or not" she continues. "Ok but anyway I like it to" I said in agreee. "Ok that would in yes section, any other ideas" I asked.

"Ok what if we draws a picture with us to and have the question under it, but like make it like puzzle form and then hand then out in her favourite places and then have a little note with it" I explained my idea to them. "I like yours" Riley said, "me to" Missy said with excitement in her voice.

"Oh why dont we put your guys ideas together" Missy said. "That's like the smartest thing you ever said" I giggled. Riley was trying to hold in her laughter, Missy glared at me. She look at Riley and leans in and whisper something in her ear. Missy back up with a smirk "w-what.. but Missssy" Riley whines. "You heard me... don't think that puppy dog eyes of yours will work on me" Missy said. Riley just cross her arms over her chest and pout.

"I dont want to know" I giggled. "Know what" someone said.

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