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Y/N pov

Once everyone left it was just my family and the Matthews plus Maya and Missy. We were all downstairs talking about mine and Mayas wedding. "I can't leave that your girl for growing up so fast" my mom said. "I know right" Mrs.Matthews agree. "Oh stop, you guys act like you haven't seen us in a year" I chuckled.

"So Maya are you excited to marry Y/N" Auggie asked. "well of course I am excited Auggie she's the love of my life, and I can't wait to marry her so she can have my last name" Maya smiled. "or you got my last name" I smile. She turns to glare at me, "uh ok Y/N hart it is" I nervously laugh. "Thats a good girl" she said as she patting me on the head. Everyone started laughing "stop laughing thats not funny" I pout.

"Ya it was" Riley laughed, "aww don't pout babe im sorry" Maya said as she trying to get me to look at her. "Y/N look at me" she said. "No" I simply said not looking. "Ok fine ill just go sit by Missy" she got up but I grabbed her hand and pulled her back down where now she's sitting in my lap. I put both arms around her while I hid my face in the crook of he neck "no I love you" I said.

"Awwwwwwwww" I heared everyone except my say. "That was so cute... I wish Riley and Missy to be that cute" Mr.Matthews said. "Wha- DAD!!"Riley yelled, I look up at Riley "hey Riley... you guys are adorable but we're just cuter then you" I said. "Ya that totally made me feel better" she said sarcastically.

"all we should be going" Mrs.matthews said as she got up. "Thanks for inviting us, we had fun" she continues as she grabs her things. "Ya no problem I'm glad that you had fun we should do it again sometime" my mom said as she got up to. "Hey mom do you think Riley Missy, and Maya could stay over tonight so that we could start planning on the wedding" I asked. "I promise that we will be quiet" I said.

"Oh I don't know honey I had to work tonight and I don't want fa-" she got cut off by my dad. "Im go with it, as long my babygirl is happy" he smiled. I smiled "thanks dad" I said. He nods in response, I look over at Mr.and Mrs. Matthews "is that ok with you guys" I asked. They both looked at each other then look at Riley "it's fine with me but no inappropriate things got it" Mrs.matthews said sternly. "Yes ma'am" Riley said.

"Sweet thank you, lets go" I said as I pick up Maya and carried her up stairs. Riley and Missy followed behind us "why can't you care me up the stairs like that" Riley complained. "Because im to lazy" Missy said.

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