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                            Y/N pov

I woke to a knock on the door. I grabbed the blanket and full put it on Maya, covering her shoulders. "Come in" i said quietly. Katy waalks in "hey, I have to go to work and I won't be home until 5 so I left some money for you guys can get lunch and dinner" katy said.

"Ok sounds good" I said, smiles at me. "Oh and Shawn left this morn for his job" katy said. "Can you tell Maya that he loves her and he will see her in 2 weeks" she asked me. I nod my head "ok thank, ill see you guys later then bye" she said before leaving, shutting the door.

I down at Maya smile at how cute she looks right now. I left her head and slowly lay her head down onto a pillow. I slide out of her grip and grab another pillow and slipped it between her arms. I quietly put my put my clothes on leaving my sweater on the end of her bed.

I walk out to the living room, then walked into the kitchen as saw the money. I grabbed it and put it in my pocket befor grabbing a peaice of paper and wrote Maya a note just in case she wakes up.

Hey love, im went to the store to get us some food for lunch and dinner. I'll be back soon. I Love you

I grabbed the note and walked to her room. I set the note down on my sweater. I walk out of the house and start walking to the subway.

                      (At the store)

I walk in and went straight to get her favorites for luch and dinner. I went to go check out and once I got done I walked out. My house was close to the store so I walk to my house.

When I got there I walk in and went to my room. I change my clothes and then I grabbed my Jar of money and count how much I had left. I had $30,950 left, I put in back in the jar and hided it again.

I was thinking of getting a apartment for Maya and I. But I have to talk to our parents about it first. I grabbed the food and walked down stair. I saw my mom in the living room getting ready for work. "Oh hey honey what are you doing here" she asked. "I went to the store to grab Maya and I some food and I decided to come home to chang into new clothes" I explained to her.

"Oh ok" she say as she got up from the couch. "Well I love you and I would love to talk but Im late so Ill see you later if you decide to come home" she kiss me on the forehead before leaving. I look at the time and its was 6:59am. I walk to the kitchen and look into the fridge to see what I can use for breakfast. I saw that we had 4 things of  bacon. I pull out my phone at text my mom.

Me: hey mom, im taking one of the bacon packages

Mom: ok honey

Me: if you want me to I can give you the money to get another one

Mom: no its fine honey just take it

Me: ok thank you, love you

Mom: you welcome, love you to bye

Me: bye

I grabbed one of the package and then I look in the cabinets and I saw that we had some potatoes. I grabbed those and then grabbed the vegetable oil that was close to the stove. I walk out and start my way back to Maya's apartment.

                (At Maya's apartment)

I walked in and set the food down on the table. I walked to Maya's room see that Maya was still sleeping. I walked back to the kitchen at look in the fridge to see what they have for breakfast. 

They did have eggs, I walk to the table and grabbed out the bacon. I then grabbed out the potatoes and the vegetable oil. I look around the kitchen and I found where they kept the pans. I put it on the stove and then turn the stove on.

I opened the package and set a couple of peaice of bacon on the pan. I then grabbed a plate for the cabinets. I walked over to the table and set the plate down then grabbed the potatoes. I opened it and grabbed 4 of them and went to go wash them off. I grabbed a knife and start piling off the skin and cut them in little lines.

When I got done with cutting one of the potatoes I then walk over to the stove and flipped the bacon. The side looked perfect. I went back and did the same to the second potato. Then went back and took off then bacons on a plate with a naken on it. I put more on the pan and I  then walked back to the table.

I repeat that a couple time then when i got done cooking bacon for us. I took the pan and washed it and put back on the stove. I grabbed the potatoes and put them in the pan and then walked over to the table. I grabbed the oil and put a little on the potatoes. I clean my mess that was on the table.

I then put the food that was for luch and dinner away. Once the home made hashbrowns was down I grabbed to plates and put half and half on the plates. I cleaned the pan again and started cooking the eggs.

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