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                             Y/N pov

As we were talking I heared a knock on the door. "Ill be right back"I said before getting up. I went to go opened the front door. "Oh hey Farkle, come in" I said as I step back to let him in. We walked in to the kitchen where everyone eles is in.

I sat down at my spot "Hey farkle you can have my seat I'll just sit on Y/N lap" maya said as she got up. "Thanks" he smile at me. He walks around the table and sat down. "So I got a question for you Y/N" Farkle said.  I nod, tell him that he can ask.

"Sooo... I was wondering if you could hp me with a experiment" he asked me. I was about to say something when Mays coved my mouth. "Ok before she answers that, i want to make myself clear" she said looking him directly in the eyes. She took her hand off of my mouth and leaded forward not breaking the eye comtacted.

You could tell that Farkle was scard at this point. "Ok farkle so here some rules for  the 'experiment' you can not, i mean CAN NOT have anything to do with blowing up thing... or anything that can kill her or hurt her, because if I find out that she got hurt or died from your  experiment, oh man you better not be on this planet if you want to live" she told him, I look aroumd to see my mom standing by the door with wide eyes and so is everyone eles in the kitchen except Maya.

She lean in to me again and calmly said "thats all". I cleared my throat and nervously laughed "uh well that wasn't creep or anything but um ya sure I'll help Farkle" I said trying to break the tension in the room. "Thanks.... i should go before she kills me, I'll text you later" he said before getting up quickly and rush out.

"So what was that about, because all I did was walk in and find Maya scarying Farkle" my mom asked.  "Oh that, I was just tell him that because every time he trys an experiment with us it goes wrong and everything goes to crab" Maya explained. "Oh ok" she nod and then she walked outside where everyone is.

"So do you guys want to was a movie"i asked. The nod they're heads and we went up to my room. The whole time we were watching movies or playing.


Sorry for the long wait the whole Christmas thing was taking forever I was trying to find time to write the chapter but I was so busy with the whole family stuff and work i just didn't had time. But since that's all over with I promise I would write more often cuz all the free time I have unless I'm at school or work so again sorry hope you like it and yeah peace out

Maya X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now